Source code for pybert.importer.importData

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import os
import re
import traceback

import codecs

import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime

import pygimli as pg
from pygimli.utils.utils import uniqueRows

    import pybert as pb
except ImportError:
    sys.stderr.write('''ERROR: cannot import the library 'pybert'. ''' +
                     '''Ensure that pybert is in your PYTHONPATH ''')

# self.registerOpenFileSuffix(suffix, plugin.MainOpenWildcard[i],
#     plugin.PluginApplication, plugin.MainOpenFileSlot)
# self.fileSuffixes[suffix] = [wildcard, cls, callback]
# MainOpenFileSuffix = ['.dat', '.ohm', '.shm', '.edt', '.data']
# MainOpenFileSlot = BertApp.openDataFile
# MainOpenWildcard = ["BERT unified data file (*.dat)"

bertImportDataFileSuffixesDict = dict()
bertImportDataFileSuffixesDict['.dat'] = ["Unified data file (*.dat)", 'Gimli']
bertImportDataFileSuffixesDict['.ohm'] = ["Unified data file (*.ohm)", 'Gimli']
bertImportDataFileSuffixesDict['.shm'] = ["Unified data file (*.shm)", 'Gimli']
bertImportDataFileSuffixesDict['.udf'] = ["Unified data file (*.udf)", 'Gimli']
bertImportDataFileSuffixesDict['.bin'] = ["Syscal Pro (*.bin)", 'SyscalPro']
bertImportDataFileSuffixesDict['.tx0'] = ["LGM 4-point light (*.tx0)",
# bertImportDataFileSuffixesDict['.txt'] = ["GeoSys (*.txt)", 'GeoSys']
bertImportDataFileSuffixesDict['.txt'] = ["ASCII (*.txt)", 'AsciiColumns']
bertImportDataFileSuffixesDict['.tx2'] = ["WB ASCII (*.tx2)", 'AsciiColumns']
# bertImportDataFileSuffixesDict['.txt'] = ["ASCII (*.txt)", 'ABEMAscii']
bertImportDataFileSuffixesDict['.abem'] = ["ABEM-ASCII (*.txt)",
bertImportDataFileSuffixesDict['.resecs'] = ["Resecs-ASCII (*.txt)",
bertImportDataFileSuffixesDict['.flw'] = ["Geotom FLW (*.flw)", 'FLW']
bertImportDataFileSuffixesDict['.slm'] = ["Geotom Schlumberger (*.slm)",
bertImportDataFileSuffixesDict['.wen'] = ["Geotom Wenner (*.wen)", 'Geotom']
bertImportDataFileSuffixesDict['.stg'] = ["SuperSting (*.stg)", 'SuperSting']
bertImportDataFileSuffixesDict['.amp'] = ["ABEM AMP (*.AMP)", 'ABEM']
bertImportDataFileSuffixesDict['.res2dinv'] = ["Res2dInv (*.res2dinv)",

[docs]def importData(filename, format='auto', verbose=False, debug=False): """ Import datafile into GIMLi unified data format Parameters ---------- format : string, optional [auto] *Gimli - gimli-unified data format *Res2dInv - res2dinv (partly) *PolePoleGeotom - Geotom Pole-Pole *SyscalPro - IRIS SYSCAL pro *SuperSting - AGI SuperSting *Lippmann - Lippmann 4-point light *Iris - IRIS test unknown *ABEM - ABEM test unknown *ABEMTerrameterSAS - ABEM test unknown *GeoSys - GeoSYS test unknown verbose : boolean, optional [False] Be verbose during import. debug : boolean, optional [False] Gives some more debug information. Notes ----- References ---------- """ def tryImport(filename, funct, debug=False): if debug: print("Try to import ", filename, " by ", funct) d = None try: d = funct(filename, verbose) if verbose: print("success: ", str(funct)) except Exception as e: d = None if debug: traceback.print_exc() print(type(e)) print(e) return d # def tryImport(...) d = None if not os.path.exists(filename): raise Exception('File does not exist.: ' + filename) if format.lower() == 'auto': # first try the one associated with the file extension ext = filename[filename.rfind('.'):].lower() if ext in bertImportDataFileSuffixesDict: fun = bertImportDataFileSuffixesDict[ext][1] importFunction = 'import' + fun if importFunction in dir(sys.modules[__name__]): if verbose: print("Try to import data by using: ", importFunction) d = tryImport(filename, eval(importFunction), debug=debug) else: print("Error: Import function does not exist: "+importFunction) # raise Exception("Import function does not exist: " + # importFunction) if d is None: d = tryImport(filename, importGimli, debug=debug) if d is None: d = tryImport(filename, importRes2dInv, debug=debug) if d is None: d = tryImport(filename, import4PointLight, debug=debug) if d is None: d = tryImport(filename, importPolePoleGeotom, debug=debug) if d is None: d = tryImport(filename, importSyscalPro, debug=debug) if d is None: d = tryImport(filename, importIris, debug=debug) if d is None: d = tryImport(filename, importABEMAscii, debug=debug) if d is None: d = tryImport(filename, importABEM, debug=debug) if d is None: d = tryImport(filename, importABEMTerrameterSAS, debug=debug) if d is None: d = tryImport(filename, importSuperSting, debug=debug) if d is None: d = tryImport(filename, importResecsAscii, debug=debug) if d is None: d = tryImport(filename, importGeoSys, debug=debug) if d is None: d = tryImport(filename, importFLW, debug=debug) else: d = tryImport(filename, getattr(sys.modules[__name__], 'import' + format), debug=debug) if d is None: raise Exception('Cannot determine data format for file.', filename) if verbose: print("imported: ", d) return d
# def importData(...)
[docs]def importGimli(filename, verbose=False): data = pb.DataContainerERT(filename) return data
# def importGimli(...)
[docs]def importPolePoleGeotom(filename, verbose=False): ''' Pole-Pole-from geotom?? EA- LOS_A1.dat "B_X" "B_Y" "N_X" "N_Y" "Rhos" 13 0 13 0.5 110.17 .... 13 0 13 1 90.71 ''' data = pb.DataContainerERT() with open(filename, 'r') as fi: content = fi.readlines() header = content[0].split('\r\n')[0].split() if len(header) == 5: if header[0] == '"B_X"' and header[1] == '"B_Y"' and \ header[2] == '"N_X"' and header[3] == '"N_Y"' and \ header[4] == '"Rhos"': data.resize(len(content) - 1) for i, row in enumerate(content[1:]): vals = row.split() eaID = -1 ebID = data.createSensor(pg.RVector3(float(vals[0]), float(vals[1]), 0.0)).id() emID = -1 enID = data.createSensor(pg.RVector3(float(vals[2]), float(vals[3]), 0.0)).id() data.createFourPointData(i, eaID, ebID, emID, enID) data('rhoa')[i] = float(vals[4]) data.sortSensorsX() else: raise Exception("Probably no Geotom-Pole-Pole file: " + filename + " header: " + str(header)) else: raise Exception("Probably no Geotom-Pole-Pole file: " + filename + " 5 != " + str("len(header)")) return data
# def importPolePoleGeotom(...)
[docs]def importRes2dInv(filename, verbose=False, return_header=False): """Read res2dinv format Parameters ---------- filename : str verbose : bool [False] return_header : bool [False] Returns ------- pg.DataContainerERT and (in case of return_header=True) header dictionary Format ------ str - title float - unit spacing [m] int - Array Number (1-Wenner, 3-Dipole-dipole atm only) int - Number of Datapoints float - x-location given in terms of first electrode use 1 if mid-point location is given int - 0 for no IP, use 1 if IP present str - Phase Angle if IP present str - mrad if IP present 0,90.0 - if IP present dataBody """ def getNonEmptyRow(i, comment='#'): s = next(i) while s[0] is comment: s = next(i) return s.split('\r\n')[0] # def getNonEmptyRow(...) with open(filename, 'r') as fi: content = fi.readlines() fi.close() it = iter(content) header = {} header['name'] = getNonEmptyRow(it, comment=';') header['spacing'] = float(getNonEmptyRow(it, comment=';')) typ = int(getNonEmptyRow(it, comment=';')) if typ == 11: # independent electrode positions header['subtype'] = int(getNonEmptyRow(it, comment=';')) header['dummy'] = getNonEmptyRow(it, comment=';') isR = int(getNonEmptyRow(it, comment=';')) nData = int(getNonEmptyRow(it, comment=';')) xLoc = float(getNonEmptyRow(it, comment=';')) hasIP = int(getNonEmptyRow(it, comment=';')) if hasIP: header['ipQuantity'] = getNonEmptyRow(it, comment=';') header['ipUnit'] = getNonEmptyRow(it, comment=';') header['ipData'] = getNonEmptyRow(it, comment=';') ipline = header['ipData'].rstrip('\n').rstrip('\r').split(' ') if len(ipline) > 2: # obviously spectral data? header['ipNumGates'] = int(ipline[0]) header['ipDelay'] = float(ipline[1]) header['onTime'] = float(ipline[-2]) header['offTime'] = float(ipline[-1]) header['ipDT'] = np.array(ipline[2:-2], dtype=float) header['ipGateT'] = np.cumsum(np.hstack((header['ipDelay'], header['ipDT']))) data = pb.DataContainerERT() data.resize(nData) if typ == 9 or typ == 10: raise Exception("Don't know how to read:" + str(typ)) if typ == 11 or typ == 12 or typ == 13: # mixed array res = pg.RVector(nData, 0.0) ip = pg.RVector(nData, 0.0) specIP = [] for i in range(nData): vals = getNonEmptyRow(it, comment=';').split() # row starts with 4 if int(vals[0]) == 4: eaID = data.createSensor(pg.RVector3(float(vals[1]), float(vals[2]))) ebID = data.createSensor(pg.RVector3(float(vals[3]), float(vals[4]))) emID = data.createSensor(pg.RVector3(float(vals[5]), float(vals[6]))) enID = data.createSensor(pg.RVector3(float(vals[7]), float(vals[8]))) elif int(vals[0]) == 3: eaID = data.createSensor(pg.RVector3(float(vals[1]), float(vals[2]))) ebID = -1 emID = data.createSensor(pg.RVector3(float(vals[3]), float(vals[4]))) enID = data.createSensor(pg.RVector3(float(vals[5]), float(vals[6]))) elif int(vals[0]) == 2: eaID = data.createSensor(pg.RVector3(float(vals[1]), float(vals[2]))) ebID = -1 emID = data.createSensor(pg.RVector3(float(vals[3]), float(vals[4]))) enID = -1 else: raise Exception('dont know how to handle row', vals[0]) res[i] = float(vals[int(vals[0])*2+1]) if hasIP: # ip[i] = float(vals[int(vals[0])*2+2]) ipCol = int(vals[0])*2+2 ip[i] = float(vals[ipCol]) if 'ipNumGates' in header: specIP.append(vals[ipCol:]) data.createFourPointData(i, eaID, ebID, emID, enID) if isR: data.set('r', res) else: data.set('rhoa', res) if hasIP: data.set('ip', ip) if 'ipNumGates' in header: A = np.array(specIP, dtype=float) A[A > 1000] = -999 A[A < -1000] = -999 for i in range(header['ipNumGates']): data.set('ip'+str(i+1), A[:, i]) data.sortSensorsX() data.sortSensorsIndex() if return_header: return data, header else: return data # amount of values per collumn per typ nntyp = [0, 3, 3, 4, 3, 3, 4, 4, 3, 0, 0, 8, 10] nn = nntyp[typ] + hasIP dataBody = pg.RMatrix(nn, nData) for i in range(nData): vals = getNonEmptyRow(it, comment=';').split() for j in range(nn): dataBody[j][i] = float(vals[j]) XX = dataBody[0] EL = dataBody[1] SP = pg.RVector(nData, 1.0) if nn - hasIP == 4: SP = dataBody[2] AA = None BB = None NN = None MM = None if typ == 1: # Wenner AA = XX - xLoc * EL * 1.5 MM = AA + EL NN = MM + EL BB = NN + EL elif typ == 2: # Pole-Pole AA = XX - xLoc * EL * 0.5 MM = AA + EL elif typ == 3: # Dipole-Dipole AA = XX - xLoc * EL * (SP / 2. + 1.) BB = AA + EL MM = BB + SP * EL NN = MM + EL pass elif typ == 3: # Dipole-Dipole AA = XX - xLoc * EL * (SP / 2. + 1.) BB = AA + EL MM = BB + SP * EL NN = MM + EL elif typ == 4: # WENNER-BETA AA = XX - xLoc * EL * 1.5 BB = AA + EL MM = BB + EL NN = MM + EL elif typ == 5: # WENNER-GAMMA AA = XX - xLoc * EL * 1.5 MM = AA + EL BB = MM + EL NN = BB + EL elif typ == 6: # POLE-DIPOLE AA = XX - xLoc * SP * EL - (SP - 1.) * (SP < 0.) * EL MM = AA + SP * EL NN = MM + pg.sign(SP) * EL elif typ == 7: # SCHLUMBERGER AA = XX - xLoc * EL * (SP + 0.5) MM = AA + SP * EL NN = MM + EL BB = NN + SP * EL else: raise Exception('Datatype ' + str(typ) + ' not yet suppoted') for i in range(len(AA)): if AA is not None: eaID = data.createSensor(pg.RVector3(AA[i], 0.0)) else: eaID = -1 if BB is not None: ebID = data.createSensor(pg.RVector3(BB[i], 0.0)) else: ebID = -1 if MM is not None: emID = data.createSensor(pg.RVector3(MM[i], 0.0)) else: emID = -1 if NN is not None: enID = data.createSensor(pg.RVector3(NN[i], 0.0)) else: enID = -1 data.createFourPointData(i, eaID, ebID, emID, enID) data.set('rhoa', dataBody[nn - hasIP - 1]) if hasIP: data.set('ip', dataBody[nn - 1]) data.sortSensorsX() if return_header: return data, header else: return data
# def importRes2dInv(...)
[docs]def importGeotom(filename, verbose=False): """Read data from Geotom instrument data (*.flw/wen/dd etc.) str - title float - unit spacing [m] int - Array Number (1-Wenner, 3-Dipole-dipole atm only) int - Number of Datapoints float - x-location given in terms of first electrode use 1 if mid-point location is given int - 0 for no IP, use 1 if IP present str - Phase Angle if IP present str - mrad if IP present 0,90.0 - if IP present dataBody """ def getNonEmptyRow(i, comment='#'): s = next(i) while s[0] is comment: s = next(i) return s.split('\r\n')[0] # def getNonEmptyRow(...) with open(filename, 'r') as fi: content = fi.readlines() fi.close() # not necessary (with closes automatically) it = iter(content) s = next(it) while s[0] == '/': s = next(it) header = {} header['name'] = getNonEmptyRow(it, comment='/') header['spacing'] = float(getNonEmptyRow(it, comment=';')) typ = int(getNonEmptyRow(it, comment=';')) if typ == 11: # independent electrode positions header['subtype'] = int(getNonEmptyRow(it, comment=';')) header['dummy'] = getNonEmptyRow(it, comment=';') isR = int(getNonEmptyRow(it, comment=';')) nData = int(getNonEmptyRow(it, comment=';')) xLoc = float(getNonEmptyRow(it, comment=';')) hasIP = int(getNonEmptyRow(it, comment=';')) if hasIP: header['ipStr1'] = getNonEmptyRow(it, comment=';') header['ipStr2'] = getNonEmptyRow(it, comment=';') header['ipStr3'] = getNonEmptyRow(it, comment=';') data = pb.DataContainerERT() data.resize(nData) if typ == 9 or typ == 10: raise Exception('Cannot yet handle datatype:' + str(typ)) if typ == 11 or typ == 12 or typ == 13: # mixed array res = pg.RVector(nData, 0.0) for i in range(nData): vals = getNonEmptyRow(it, comment=';').split() # row starts with 4 if int(vals[0]) == 4: eaID = data.createSensor(pg.RVector3(float(vals[1]), 0.0)) ebID = data.createSensor(pg.RVector3(float(vals[3]), 0.0)) emID = data.createSensor(pg.RVector3(float(vals[5]), 0.0)) enID = data.createSensor(pg.RVector3(float(vals[7]), 0.0)) res[i] = float(vals[9]) else: raise Exception('dont know how to handle row', vals[0]) data.createFourPointData(i, eaID, ebID, emID, enID) if isR: data.set('r', res) else: data.set('rhoa', res) data.sortSensorsX() data.sortSensorsIndex() return data # ammount of values per collumn per typ nntyp = [0, 3, 3, 4, 3, 3, 4, 4, 3, 0, 0, 8, 10] nn = nntyp[typ] + hasIP + 3 # current, voltage, error dataBody = pg.RMatrix(nn, nData) for i in range(nData): vals = getNonEmptyRow(it, comment=';').replace(';', '').split() if vals[-1] != '!': for j in range(min(nn, len(vals))): dataBody[j][i] = float(vals[j]) XX = dataBody[0] EL = dataBody[1] SP = pg.RVector(nData, 1.0) # if nn - hasIP == 4+3: if nntyp[typ] == 4: SP = dataBody[2] AA = None BB = None NN = None MM = None if typ == 1: # Wenner AA = XX - xLoc * EL * 1.5 MM = AA + EL NN = MM + EL BB = NN + EL elif typ == 2: # Pole-Pole AA = XX - xLoc * EL * 0.5 MM = AA + EL elif typ == 3: # Dipole-Dipole AA = XX - xLoc * EL * (SP / 2. + 1.) BB = AA + EL MM = BB + SP * EL NN = MM + EL pass elif typ == 3: # Dipole-Dipole AA = XX - xLoc * EL * (SP / 2. + 1.) BB = AA + EL MM = BB + SP * EL NN = MM + EL elif typ == 4: # WENNER-BETA AA = XX - xLoc * EL * 1.5 BB = AA + EL MM = BB + EL NN = MM + EL elif typ == 5: # WENNER-GAMMA AA = XX - xLoc * EL * 1.5 MM = AA + EL BB = MM + EL NN = BB + EL elif typ == 6: # POLE-DIPOLE AA = XX - xLoc * SP * EL - (SP - 1.) * (SP < 0.) * EL MM = AA + SP * EL NN = MM + pg.sign(SP) * EL elif typ == 7: # SCHLUMBERGER AA = XX - xLoc * EL * (SP + 0.5) MM = AA + SP * EL NN = MM + EL BB = NN + SP * EL else: raise Exception('Datatype ' + str(typ) + ' not yet suppoted') for i in range(len(AA)): if AA is not None: eaID = data.createSensor(pg.RVector3(AA[i], 0.0)) else: eaID = -1 if BB is not None: ebID = data.createSensor(pg.RVector3(BB[i], 0.0)) else: ebID = -1 if MM is not None: emID = data.createSensor(pg.RVector3(MM[i], 0.0)) else: emID = -1 if NN is not None: enID = data.createSensor(pg.RVector3(NN[i], 0.0)) else: enID = -1 if eaID != ebID: data.createFourPointData(i, eaID, ebID, emID, enID) data.set('rhoa', dataBody[nntyp[typ]-1]) data.set('i', dataBody[nntyp[typ]+hasIP]*1e-3) data.set('u', dataBody[nntyp[typ]+hasIP+1]*1e-3) data.set('err', dataBody[nntyp[typ]+hasIP+2]*1e-2) if hasIP: data.set('ip', dataBody[nntyp[nn] + 1]) data.sortSensorsX() return data
# def importGeotom(...)
[docs]def importSyscalPro(filename, verbose=False): '''READ IRIS Syscal Pro or Elrec Pro file ported from matlab version (from Tobias Pfaff, Uni Heidelberg) ''' import struct data = pb.DataContainerERT() with open(filename, 'rb') as fi: readData = # Filesize: 1029 (bytes header) + nBlocks * 304 (bytes per block) nBlocks = (len(readData) - 1029) / 304.0 if nBlocks > 0 and (nBlocks == round(nBlocks)): headerIdentification = str(readData[0:20]) if 'Pro' not in headerIdentification and False: raise Exception('This is probably no SYSCAL Pro data file: ' + filename + " : " + headerIdentification) measureingTime = readData[20:40] if verbose: print(measureingTime) startBlock = 1029 # hex 404 else: raise Exception('Size of the SYSCAL Pro data file is not valid: ' + filename + " : " + str(len(readData)) + " ; " + str(nBlocks)) # the file size and header seems to be ok. start parsing. nBlocks = int(nBlocks) data.resize(nBlocks) # Main data sp = pg.RVector(nBlocks) # self potential vp = pg.RVector(nBlocks) # voltage difference curr = pg.RVector(nBlocks) # injected current gm = pg.RVector(nBlocks) # global chargeability dev = pg.RVector(nBlocks) # std. deviation # Auxiliary data stacks = pg.RVector(nBlocks) # number of stacks measured rs_check = pg.RVector(nBlocks) # rs_check reception dipole vab = pg.RVector(nBlocks) # absolute injected voltage bat_tx = pg.RVector(nBlocks) # tx battery voltage bat_rx = pg.RVector(nBlocks) # rx battery voltage temp = pg.RVector(nBlocks) # temperature for i in range(nBlocks): block = readData[startBlock:startBlock+304] # short(max cycles) , short(min cycles), float32(measurement time), # float32(delay for measurement) [maxCyles, minCycles, measTime, delayTime, unKnownInt] = \ struct.unpack_from('hhffi', block, offset=0) # 16 byte # Read electrode positions for each data # (C1_x C2_x P1_x P2_x C1_y C2_y P1_y P2_y C1_z C2_z P1_z P2_z) ePos = struct.unpack_from('ffff ffff ffff', block, offset=16) eaID, ebID, emID, enID = -1, -1, -1, -1 if (ePos[0] < 99999.99): eaID = data.createSensor(pg.RVector3(ePos[0], ePos[4], ePos[8])) if (ePos[1] < 99999.99): ebID = data.createSensor(pg.RVector3(ePos[1], ePos[5], ePos[9])) if (ePos[2] < 99999.99): emID = data.createSensor(pg.RVector3(ePos[2], ePos[6], ePos[10])) if (ePos[3] < 99999.99): enID = data.createSensor(pg.RVector3(ePos[3], ePos[7], ePos[11])) data.createFourPointData(i, eaID, ebID, emID, enID) # Read data float32 (sp, vp, in, rho, gm, dev) [sp[i], vp[i], curr[i], rhoDummy, gm[i], dev[i]] = \ struct.unpack_from('fff fff', block, offset=64) # This may be interesting for time domain IP # chargeability time windows # print struct.unpack_from('20f', block, offset = 88) # partial chargeability # print struct.unpack_from('20f', block, offset = 168) # status bits (int16) # (80:multichannel(lower bits=channel #) 16:single) # number of measurements (int16) (starting with 0) # [status, nMeas] = struct.unpack_from('hh', block, offset = 248) # The name for the sequence used by Syscal-Pro # name = block[252 : 272] # Read auxiliary information [stacks[i], rs_check[i], vab[i], bat_tx[i], bat_rx[i], temp[i]] = \ struct.unpack_from('ffffff', block, offset=272) # date & time in some strange format # gtime = (dtime(2)*(2^32/fact)+dtime(1)/fact - d0)/24/3600 - # datenum(2004,0,0); % date in day-since-04 format # dtime = struct.unpack_from('II', block, offset=296) # print (dtime[1] * (2**32/fact) + dtime[0] / fact - d0) /24./3600. # print dtime # 296 + 8 = 304 startBlock += 304 # END for each data block data.add('sp', sp, 'Self potential (Please check this).|V') data.add('u', vp * 1e-3, 'Measured voltage difference|V') data.add('i', curr * 1e-3, 'Injected current|A') data.add('gm', gm, 'Chargeability|mV/V') data.add('ip', gm, 'Induced polarisation|mV/V') data.add('err', dev, 'Standard deviation') data.add('stacks', stacks) data.add('rs_check', rs_check) data.add('vab', vab, 'Injected Voltage|V') data.add('bat_tx', bat_tx, 'Battery Voltage|V') data.add('bat_rx', bat_rx, 'Battery Voltage|V') data.add('temp', temp, 'Temperature|C') data.sortSensorsX() scale = pg.RMatrix(3, 3) scale[0][0] = 2.0 scale[1][1] = 2.0 scale[2][2] = 2.0 data.removeInvalid() return data
# def importSyscalPro(filename):
[docs]def importIris(filename, verbose=False): """Import IRIS Instruments Ascii output file El-array Spa.1 Spa.2 Spa.3 Spa.4 Rho Dev. M Sp Vp In Schlum. VES 0.00 43.00 21.00 22.00 25.08 0.0 0.00 -56.0 17.713 1025.036 """ with open(filename, 'r') as fi: content = fi.readlines() fi.close() # inconsistent dataformat we need to add leading dummy token content[0] = content[0].replace('-', ' ') d = readAsDictionary(content) if pg.debug(): print(d.keys()) nData = len(d['array']) data = pb.DataContainerERT() data.resize(nData) for i in range(nData): eaID = data.createSensor([d['Spa.1'][i], 0.0, 0.0]) ebID = data.createSensor([d['Spa.2'][i], 0.0, 0.0]) emID = data.createSensor([d['Spa.3'][i], 0.0, 0.0]) enID = data.createSensor([d['Spa.4'][i], 0.0, 0.0]) data.createFourPointData(i, eaID, ebID, emID, enID) data.set('i', np.array(d['In']) / 1000.0) data.set('u', np.array(d['Vp']) / 1000.0) data.set('sp', d['Sp']) data.set('err', d['Dev.']) data.sortSensorsX() return data
# def importIris(...)
[docs]def importABEMAscii(filename, verbose=False, return_header=False): """Import DataContainer from ABEM or Resecs Ascii (txt) export.""" return importABEMTerrameterSAS(filename, verbose=verbose) with open(filename, 'r', encoding='iso-8859-15') as fid: lines = fid.readlines() header = {} indata = False nstop = 0 for n, line in enumerate(lines): li = line.split('\t') if len(li) > 8 and not indata: tokenline = line.rstrip().replace('#', '_') nheader = n if verbose: print('header', nheader) indata = True fdp = line.find(': ') if not indata and fdp >= 0 and nstop == 0: tok = line[line[:fdp].rfind(' ')+1:fdp] val = line[fdp+2:].rstrip() if val.isnumeric(): val = float(val) if val.is_integer(): val = int(val) header[tok] = val if indata and len(li) < 8 and nstop == 0: # no data anymore nstop = n if verbose: print('stop', nstop) indata = False if nstop == 0: nstop = len(lines)-3 print(nheader, len(lines), nstop, len(lines)-nstop-3) print(len(tokenline.split('\t'))) str2date = lambda x: datetime.strptime(x.decode("utf-8"), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').timestamp() Data = np.genfromtxt(filename, names=tokenline.split('\t'), delimiter='\t', converters={"Time": str2date}, skip_header=nheader+1, skip_footer=len(lines)-nstop-3) fields = Data.dtype.names if verbose: print("Fields", fields) print(header) elpos = [] for el in ['A', 'B', 'M', 'N']: # the ABEM variant alle = [Data[el+i] for i in ['x', 'y', 'z'] if el+i in fields] if len(alle) > 0: elpos.append(np.column_stack(alle)) if len(elpos) == 0: # try the Resecs variant for el in ['C1', 'C2', 'P1', 'P2']: alle = [Data[el+i] for i in ['x', 'y', 'z'] if el+i in fields] if len(alle) > 0: elpos.append(np.column_stack(alle)) eln = [(elp[:, 0]*9990+elp[:, 1])*9990+elp[:, 2]*10 for elp in elpos] nall = np.unique(eln) data = pg.DataContainerERT() for ni in nall: if np.isfinite(ni): ze = np.mod(ni, 999) / 10 ye = np.mod((ni-ze) / 9990., 999) / 10 xe = ((ni-ze)/999.-ye)/9990.0 / 10 data.createSensor([xe, ye, ze]) data.resize(len(Data)) for i in range(len(Data)): abmn = np.array([np.nonzero(nall == eli[i])[0] for eli in eln]) abmn[abmn >= data.sensorCount()] = -1 # infinite electrodes data.createFourPointData(i, *[int(a) for a in abmn]) # %% translate data tokens with possible unit defaults tokenmap = {'ImA': 'i', 'VoltageV': 'u', 'ROhm': 'r', 'Rho': 'rhoa', 'AppROhmm': 'rhoa', 'Var': 'err', 'I': 'i', 'U': 'u', 'M': 'ma', 'P': 'ip', 'D': 'err', 'UV': 'u', 'RO': 'r', 'RhoaOm': 'rhoa', 'IP_sum_window_11': 'ip', 'Time': 't'} unitmap = {'ImA': 1e-3, 'Var': 0.01, 'U': 1e-3, 'I': 1e-3, 'D': 0.01} for fi in fields: if fi in tokenmap: data.set(tokenmap[fi], Data[fi] * unitmap.get(fi, 1.0)) if return_header: return data, header return data
[docs]def importResecsAscii(filename, verbose=False): """Import Geoserve Resecs Ascii Export file.""" nhead = 0 fid = open(filename) for i, line in enumerate(fid): if line[0:4] == 'Type': nhead = i tokens = line.split("\t") if line[0:3] == 'GND': nhead += 1 fid.close() nhead += 1 ndata = i - nhead + 1 if verbose: print(nhead, " header lines, ", ndata, " data") # Resecs ASCII format output tokens data_tokens = ['U', 'I', 'Rho', 'P', 'D'] mult = [1e-3, 1e-3, 1., 1., 1e-2] datnr, toknr = [], [] for nr, tok in enumerate(tokens): if (data_tokens.count(tok)): datnr.append(nr) toknr.append(data_tokens.index(tok)) if verbose: print("found ", [data_tokens[nr] for nr in toknr], " at ", datnr) # load all data into big matrix DATA = np.loadtxt(filename, usecols=datnr, skiprows=nhead).T # position tokens set by Resecs instrument pos_tokens = ['C1(x)', 'C1(y)', 'C1(z)', 'C2(x)', 'C2(y)', 'C2(z)', 'P1(x)', 'P1(y)', 'P1(z)', 'P2(x)', 'P2(y)', 'P2(z)'] posnr = np.zeros((len(pos_tokens),), dtype=int) for nr, tok in enumerate(pos_tokens): if (tokens.count(tok)): posnr[nr] = tokens.index(tok) # read positions from file POS = np.loadtxt(filename, usecols=posnr, skiprows=nhead) # extract positions for A/B/M/N and generate ids from it c1, c2, p1, p2 = POS[:, 0:3], POS[:, 3:6], POS[:, 6:9], POS[:, 9:12] nc1 = (c1[:, 0] * 9990 + c1[:, 1])*9990 + c1[:, 2] * 10 nc2 = (c2[:, 0] * 9990 + c2[:, 1])*9990 + c2[:, 2] * 10 np1 = (p1[:, 0] * 9990 + p1[:, 1])*9990 + p1[:, 2] * 10 np2 = (p2[:, 0] * 9990 + p2[:, 1])*9990 + p2[:, 2] * 10 # generate unique id nall = np.unique(np.hstack((nc1, nc2, np1, np2))) data = pb.DataContainerERT() for i in range(len(nall)): ze = np.mod(nall[i], 999) / 10 ye = np.mod((nall[i]-ze) / 9990., 999) / 10 xe = ((nall[i]-ze)/999.-ye)/9990.0 / 10 pos = pg.RVector3(xe, ye, ze) data.createSensor(pos) # rename tokens to match gimli tokens data_tokens[2:5] = ['rhoa', 'ip', 'err'] data.resize(ndata) for i in range(ndata): data.createFourPointData(i, int(np.nonzero(nall == nc1[i])[0]), int(np.nonzero(nall == nc2[i])[0]), int(np.nonzero(nall == np1[i])[0]), int(np.nonzero(nall == np2[i])[0])) for j in range(len(toknr)): itok = data_tokens[toknr[j]].lower() data(itok)[i] = DATA[j, i] * mult[toknr[j]] if verbose: print(data) savestr = 'a b m n valid ' for i in range(len(toknr)): savestr += data_tokens[toknr[i]].lower() + ' ' data.checkDataValidity(False) data.setInputFormatString(savestr) if data.size() == 0: raise Exception('No Data found in importResecsAscii') return data
[docs]def import4PointLight(filename, verbose=False): """Import Lippmann 4-point light instrument data (*.tx0)""" known_tokens = ['A', 'B', 'M', 'N', 'U', 'I', 'rho', 'phi', 'dU', 'dU90'] data = pb.DataContainerERT() nel = 0 datnr, toknr = [], [] # with open(filename, 'r') as fi: with, 'r', encoding='utf8', errors='replace') as fi: content = fi.readlines() # fi.close() # not needed using with dataSect = -3 # tok_units = {'err': 0.01, } # to be later used for i, line in enumerate(content): if verbose: pass # print(i, line) line = line.rstrip('\n').replace(',', '.') if (line.find('* Electrode last num') >= 0): nel = int(line.split()[-1]) # number of electrodes if verbose: print(nel, "electrodes") for n in range(nel): # create dummy sensors in case of Roll-along files where first # sensors are missing data.createSensor(pg.RVector3(-1000.+n, 0., 0.)) if line.find('* Count') == 0: nData = int(line.split()[-1]) # number of data if (line.find('* Electrode [') == 0): sxyz = line.split()[-3:] if sxyz[-1] == 'X': sxyz = line.split()[-4:-1] pos = pg.RVector3(float(sxyz[0]), float(sxyz[1]), float(sxyz[2])) data.setSensorPosition(int(line[13:16])-1, pos) if (line.find('* num') == 0): if 1: d = readAsDictionary(content[i+1:], content[i].split()[1:]) if verbose: print("Token:", d.keys()) # usual token are # ['num', 'A', 'B', 'M', 'N', 'I', 'U', 'dU', 'U90', 'dU90', 'rho', 'phi', 'f', # 'n', 'nAB', 'Profile', 'Spread', 'PseudoZ', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'Date', 'Time', # 'U(Tx)'] if d['num'][-1] != len(d['num']): print(d['num'][-1], len(d['num'])) raise Exception('Insufficient data found!') data.resize(len(d['num'])) for i in range(data.size()): data.createFourPointData( i, int(d['A'][i]-1), int(d['B'][i]-1), int(d['M'][i]-1), int(d['N'][i]-1)) data.set('i', np.array(d['I'])/1000.0) data.set('u', np.array(d['U'])/1000.0) data.set('ip', np.array(d['phi'])) data.set('rhoa', np.array(d['rho'])) data.set('err', np.array(d['dU'])) else: # evaluate tokens (physical fields) in file for nr, tok in enumerate(line[1:].split()): if (known_tokens.count(tok)): datnr.append(nr) toknr.append(known_tokens.index(tok)) known_tokens[6:10] = ['rhoa', 'ip', 'err', 'iperr'] # to BERT if verbose: print(datnr, toknr, [known_tokens[t] for t in toknr]) dataSect = -2 # prepare to be in data section 2 lines later # unit line should be evaluated to gain multiplicator data.resize(nData) # initialize vectors with appropriate size if dataSect >= 0: # read actual data if in data section sabmn = line.split() if dataSect >= nData: data.resize(dataSect+1) # create electrode array data.createFourPointData(dataSect, int(sabmn[1])-1, int(sabmn[2])-1, int(sabmn[3])-1, int(sabmn[4])-1) for i in range(4, len(toknr)): # all tokens except ABMN itok = known_tokens[toknr[i]].lower() try: ff = float(sabmn[datnr[i]]) if itok.lower() == 'err': ff = ff / 100 if itok.lower() == 'i': ff = ff / 1000. if itok.lower() == 'u': ff = ff / 1000. data(itok)[dataSect] = ff except IndexError: pass if dataSect >= -2: dataSect += 1 # so that unit line will not be read # savestr = '' # for i in range(len(toknr)): # savestr += known_tokens[toknr[i]].lower() + ' ' # data.setInputFormatString(savestr) if data.size() == 0: raise BaseException('No Data found in import4PointLight') # data.set('rhoa', pg.abs(data('rhoa'))) # data.checkDataValidity() return data
[docs]def importRollAlong4PointLight(basename, style='1', corI=0, start=1, verbose=False): """Import several 4-point light roll along data files (*.tx0) Parameters ---------- basename : str the base file name (.tx0 extension will be stripped) style : naming style ['1'] the roll-along files are called '1': basename+'_1.tx0', basename+'_2.tx0' etc. 'A': basename+'_A.tx0', basename+'_B' etc. 'a': basename+'_a.tx0', basename+'_b.tx0' """ basename = basename.rstrip('.tx0') data = import4PointLight(basename + '.tx0') if verbose: print(data) for n in range(start, 100): if style == 'A': fname1 = basename + '_'+chr(64+n)+'.tx0' elif style == 'a': fname1 = basename + '_'+chr(96+n)+'.tx0' else: fname1 = basename + '_'+str(n)+'.tx0' if not os.path.exists(fname1): break if verbose: print(fname1) data1 = import4PointLight(fname1) for i in range(n*20): data1.setSensorPosition(i, data.sensorPosition(i)) data.add(data1) if verbose: print(data) return data
[docs]def import4PointLightOld(filename, verbose=False): """import Lippmann 4-point light instrument data (*.tx0) DEPRECATED will be removed soon """ known_tokens = ['A', 'B', 'M', 'N', 'U', 'I', 'rho', 'phi', 'dU', 'dU90'] data = pb.DataContainerERT() nel, ndata = 0, 0 datnr, toknr = [], [] fid = open(filename) for i, line in enumerate(fid): line = line.rstrip('\n') if (line.find('* Electrode last num') == 0): nel = int(line.split()[-1]) if (line.find('* Count') == 0): ndata = int(line.split()[-1]) if verbose: print("{} electrodes, {} data".format(nel, ndata)) if (line.find('* Electrode [') == 0): sxyz = line.split()[-3:] pos = pg.RVector3(float(sxyz[0]), float(sxyz[1]), float(sxyz[2])) data.createSensor(pos) if (line.find('* num') == 0): for nr, tok in enumerate(line[1:].split()): if (known_tokens.count(tok)): datnr.append(nr) toknr.append(known_tokens.index(tok)) if verbose: print(datnr, toknr, [known_tokens[t] for t in toknr]) break fid.close() # load complete data matrix according to detected columns datmat = np.loadtxt(filename, skiprows=i+2, usecols=datnr).T # redefine tokens to match BERT definitions known_tokens[6:10] = ['rhoa', 'ip', 'err', 'iperr'] savestr = '' data.resize(len(datmat[0])) # set data for known tokens for i in range(len(datmat)): itok = known_tokens[toknr[i]].lower() offset, mult = 0., 1. if (toknr[i] < 4): offset = -1. # A B M N if ((4, 5).count(toknr[i])): mult = 1e-3 # U/mV I/mA if ((8, 9).count(toknr[i])): mult = 1e-2 # dU/% dU90/% data.set(itok, pg.asvector(datmat[i] * mult + offset)) savestr += itok + ' ' data.setInputFormatString(savestr) for n in range(len(datmat[0])): data.markValid(n) if verbose: print(data, data.tokenList()) return data
[docs]def importABEM(filename, verbose=False): """ Import old ABEM (AMP) format Filename: Instrument ID: Date & Time: Base station: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Rows header/data/topography: 27 5949 0 Acquisition mode: 2 Measurement method: Section Electrode layout: 11 Freeform GN4 Co-ordinate type: XYZ:1 Smallest electrode spacing: 1.00 Marine survey (R,h,a,b): - - - - Protocol #1: GRAD2XA Protocol #2: - Protocol #3: - Protocol #4: - Protocol #5: - Protocol #6: - Protocol #7: - Protocol #8: - Operator: Client: Comment #1: Comment #2: Comment #3: Comment #4: No. Time A(x) B(x) M(x) N(x) I(mA) Voltage(V) App.R.(ohmm) Error(%) * """ with open(filename, 'r') as fi: content = fi.readlines() fi.close() nData = 0 nHeader = 0 if len(content) > 3: sizes = content[4].split('\r\n')[0].split() if sizes[0] == "Rows": # Rows header/data/topography: 27 5949 0 nHeader = int(sizes[2]) nData = int(sizes[3]) else: raise Exception("Read ABEM .. size format unknows" + sizes) else: raise Exception("Read ABEM .. file content too small " + str(len(content))) if verbose: print("ABEM file format assuming data", nData) count = 0 if len(content) >= nHeader + nData: data = pb.DataContainerERT() data.resize(nData) for i, row in enumerate(content[nHeader:nHeader + nData]): vals = row.split() if len(vals) == 10: eaID = data.createSensor(pg.RVector3(float(vals[2]), 0.0, 0.0)) ebID = data.createSensor(pg.RVector3(float(vals[3]), 0.0, 0.0)) emID = data.createSensor(pg.RVector3(float(vals[4]), 0.0, 0.0)) enID = data.createSensor(pg.RVector3(float(vals[5]), 0.0, 0.0)) data.createFourPointData(count, eaID, ebID, emID, enID) data('i')[count] = float(vals[6]) * 1e-3 data('u')[count] = float(vals[7]) data('err')[count] = float(vals[9]) / 100. count += 1 else: raise Exception("Read ABEM .. cannot interpret data tokens " + str(len(vals)), row) data.sortSensorsX() else: raise Exception("Read ABEM .. file content to small " + str(len(content)) + " expected: " + str(nHeader+nData)) if verbose: print(data, data.tokenList()) return data
[docs]def importAsciiColumns(filename, verbose=False, return_header=False): """Import any ERT data file organized in columns with column header Input can be: * Terrameter LS or SAS Ascii Export format, e.g. Time MeasID DPID Channel A(x) A(y) A(z) B(x) B(y) B(z) M(x) M(y) M(z) \ N(x) N(y) N(z) F(x) F(y) F(z) Note I(mA) Uout(V) U(V) SP(V) R(O) \ Var(%) Rhoa Cycles Pint Pext(V) T(°C) Lat Long 2016-09-14 07:01:56 73 7 1 8 1 1 20 1 1 12 1 1 \ 16 1 1 14 1 2.076 99.8757 107.892 0.0920761 0 0.921907 \ 0.196302 23.17 1 12.1679 12.425 42.1962 0 0 * Resecs Output format """ data = pb.DataContainerERT() header = {} with open(filename, 'r', encoding='iso-8859-15') as fi: content = fi.readlines() if content[0].startswith('Injection'): # Resecs lead-in n = 0 for n in range(20): if len(content[n]) < 2: break content = content[n+1:] d = readAsDictionary(content, sep='\t') if len(d) < 2: d = readAsDictionary(content) nData = len(next(iter(d.values()))) data.resize(nData) if 'Spa.1' in d: # Syscal Pro abmn = ['Spa.1', 'Spa.2', 'Spa.3', 'Spa.4'] elif 'A(x)' in d: # ABEM Terrameter abmn = ['A', 'B', 'M', 'N'] elif 'xA' in d: # Workbench TX2 processed data abmn = ['xA', 'xB', 'xM', 'xN'] elif 'C1(x)' in d or 'C1(xm)' in d: # Resecs abmn = ['C1', 'C2', 'P1', 'P2'] else: print("no electrode positions found!") print("Keys are:", d.keys()) raise SystemExit for i in range(nData): if abmn[0]+'(z)' in d: eID = [data.createSensor([d[se+'(x)'][i], d[se+'(y)'][i], d[se+'(z)'][i]]) for se in abmn] elif abmn[0]+'(zm)' in d: eID = [data.createSensor([d[se+'(xm)'][i], d[se+'(ym)'][i], d[se+'(zm)'][i]]) for se in abmn] elif abmn[0]+'(y)' in d: eID = [data.createSensor([d[se+'(x)'][i], d[se+'(y)'][i], 0.]) for se in abmn] elif abmn[0]+'(ym)' in d: eID = [data.createSensor([d[se+'(xm)'][i], d[se+'(ym)'][i], 0.]) for se in abmn] elif abmn[0]+'(x)' in d: eID = [data.createSensor([d[se+'(x)'][i], 0., 0.]) for se in abmn] elif abmn[0]+'(xm)' in d: eID = [data.createSensor([d[se+'(xm)'][i], 0., 0.]) for se in abmn] else: eID = [data.createSensor([d[se][i], 0., 0.]) for se in abmn] data.createFourPointData(i, *eID)'bla.shm', 'a b m n') tokenmap = {'I(mA)': 'i', 'I': 'i', 'In': 'i', 'Vp': 'u', 'VoltageV': 'u', 'U': 'u', 'U(V)': 'u', 'UV': 'u', 'R(Ohm)': 'r', 'RO': 'r', 'R(O)': 'r', 'Res': 'r', 'Rho': 'rhoa', 'AppROhmm': 'rhoa', 'Rho-a(Ohm-m)': 'rhoa', 'Rho-a(Om)': 'rhoa', 'Var(%)': 'err', 'D': 'err', 'Dev.': 'err', 'M': 'ma', 'P': 'ip', 'IP sum window': 'ip', 'Time': 't'} # Unit conversions (mA,mV,%), partly automatically assumed unitmap = {'I(mA)': 1e-3, 'Var(%)': 0.01, # ABEM 'U': 1e-3, 'I': 1e-3, 'D': 0.01, # Resecs 'Dev.': 0.01, 'In': 1e-3, 'Vp': 1e-3} # Syscal for key in d.keys(): vals = np.asarray(d[key]) if key.startswith('IP sum window'): key = 'IP sum window' if np.issubdtype(vals.dtype, 'float') or np.issubdtype(vals.dtype, 'int'): if key in tokenmap: # use the standard (i, u, rhoa) key data.set(tokenmap[key], vals * unitmap.get(key, 1.0)) else: # use the original key if not XX(x) etc. if not'([x-z])', key): data.set(key.replace(' ', '_'), d[key]) r = data('u') / data('i') if hasattr(d, 'R(0)'): if np.linalg.norm(r-d['R(O)']) < 1e4: # no idea what's that for data.set('r', r) else: print("Warning! File inconsistent") data.sortSensorsX() if return_header: return data, header else: return data
[docs]def importABEMTerrameterSAS(filename, verbose=False): """Import Terrameter SAS Ascii Export format. Time MeasID DPID Channel A(x) A(y) A(z) B(x) B(y) B(z) M(x) M(y) M(z) \ N(x) N(y) N(z) F(x) F(y) F(z) Note I(mA) Uout(V) U(V) SP(V) R(O) \ Var(%) Rhoa Cycles Pint Pext(V) T(°C) Lat Long 2016-09-14 07:01:56 73 7 1 8 1 1 20 1 1 12 1 1 \ 16 1 1 14 1 2.076 99.8757 107.892 0.0920761 0 0.921907 \ 0.196302 23.17 1 12.1679 12.425 42.1962 0 0 """ with open(filename, 'r', encoding='iso-8859-15') as fi: content = fi.readlines() fi.close() d = readAsDictionary(content, sep='\t') nData = len(d['I(mA)']) data = pb.DataContainerERT() data.resize(nData) for i in range(nData): eaID = data.createSensor([d['A(x)'][i], d['A(y)'][i], d['A(z)'][i]]) ebID = data.createSensor([d['B(x)'][i], d['B(y)'][i], d['B(z)'][i]]) emID = data.createSensor([d['M(x)'][i], d['M(y)'][i], d['M(z)'][i]]) enID = data.createSensor([d['N(x)'][i], d['N(y)'][i], d['N(z)'][i]]) data.createFourPointData(i, eaID, ebID, emID, enID) data.set('i', np.array(d['I(mA)'])/1000.0) data.set('u', d['U(V)']) if 'Uout(V)' in d: data.set('uout', d['Uout(V)']) if 'SP(V)' in d: data.set('sp', d['SP(V)']) if 'Var(%)' in 'd': data.set('var', d['Var(%)']) if 'R(Ohm)' in d: data.set('r', d['R(Ohm)']) else: r = data('u') / data('i') if hasattr(d, 'R(0)'): if np.linalg.norm(r-d['R(O)']) < 1e4: data.set('r', r) else: print("Warning! File inconsistent") data.sortSensorsX() return data
[docs]def importGeoSys(filename, verbose=False): """import GeoSys format Example format -------------- Messgebiet :Test 1b Profilname :Kopf Datum :11.11.2014 Registrierer :FG Geraet :GMS150 Richtung : Wetter :gut Anordnung :S Konfiguration:1 Kabelbaum :G050-050 Steuerdatei :A26W0508.ESD A M N B zeit f mn/2 ab/2 KF I/mA U/mV R/OhmM Q * """ with open(filename, 'r') as fi: content = fi.readlines() fi.close() nHeader = 13 count = 0 tokenLineStr = content[12] tokenLine = tokenLineStr.split() if len(content) >= nHeader: data = pb.DataContainerERT() data.resize(len(content)) for i, row in enumerate(content[nHeader:-1]): vals = row.split() if len(vals) == 0: continue if len(vals) > 11: if tokenLine[0] == 'A' and tokenLine[1] == 'M' and \ tokenLine[2] == 'N' and tokenLine[3] == 'B' and \ tokenLine[9] == 'I/mA' and tokenLine[10] == 'U/mV': vv = [float(vali) for vali in vals] eaID = data.createSensor(pg.RVector3(vv[0], 0.0, 0.0)) emID = data.createSensor(pg.RVector3(vv[1], 0.0, 0.0)) enID = data.createSensor(pg.RVector3(vv[2], 0.0, 0.0)) ebID = data.createSensor(pg.RVector3(vv[3], 0.0, 0.0)) data.createFourPointData(count, eaID, ebID, emID, enID) data('i')[count] = float(vals[9]) * 1e-3 data('u')[count] = float(vals[10]) * 1e-3 count += 1 else: raise Exception("Cannot interpret tokenLine. " + tokenLineStr) else: raise Exception("Read GeoSYS - cannot interpret data tokens " + str(len(vals)), row) data.sortSensorsX() data.resize(count) else: raise Exception("Read ABEM .. file content to small " + str(len(content)) + " expected: " + str(nHeader)) if verbose: print(data, data.tokenList()) return data
[docs]def importFLW(filename, verbose=False): """Import Geotom free FLW format. //FILENAME //- Kabelrichtung: // Kabel I: revers // Kabel II: normal // Kabel III: normal // Kabel IV: revers //- Kabelanordnung: parallel (2-2) //- Optimierung: letzte Messung //- Sortierung: nach Level //- Stromstufen: 5.0 mA .. 50.0 mA Type: Flow Name: Name Comment: Comment: Comment: Spacing: x First El: x Nr of points: Nr IP present: 0 1 4 2 3 5.000 51.0139 128.21 0.6 """ with open(filename, 'r') as fi: content = fi.readlines() fi.close() dataStart = 0 x0 = 0 spacing = 1.0 for i, c in enumerate(content): vals = c.split() if c[0] != '/' and len(vals) > 0: if len(vals) > 6 and vals[0] != 'Comment:': dataStart = i-1 break else: if vals[0] == 'Spacing:': v = vals[1].split(',') if len(v) > 1: spacing = float(v[1]) else: spacing = float(v[0]) elif vals[0] == 'First El:': v = vals[1].split(',') if len(v) > 1: x0 = float(v[1]) else: x0 = float(v[0]) d = readAsDictionary(content[dataStart:], token=[]) data = pb.DataContainerERT() nData = len(d['col0']) # A B M N ?? I/mA U/mV ?? ?? ?? ?? # date time # 1 2 3 4 $4 0.100 -24.4087 920.18 0.0 -28.59 0.9 # 27.05.2015 14:06:10 # # A B M N ?? I/mA U/mV ?? ?? date time # 1 2 3 4 $8 1.000 -41.5541 15.67 0.0 24.06.2015 14:52:54 for i in range(nData): eaID = data.createSensor([(d['col0'][i]-1)*spacing + x0, 0.0, 0.0]) ebID = data.createSensor([(d['col1'][i]-1)*spacing + x0, 0.0, 0.0]) emID = data.createSensor([(d['col2'][i]-1)*spacing + x0, 0.0, 0.0]) enID = data.createSensor([(d['col3'][i]-1)*spacing + x0, 0.0, 0.0]) data.createFourPointData(i, eaID, ebID, emID, enID) if '$' in d['col4'][0]: data.set('i', np.array(d['col5'])*1e-3) data.set('u', np.array(d['col6'])*1e-3) else: data.set('i', np.array(d['col4'])*1e-3) data.set('u', np.array(d['col5'])*1e-3) data.sortSensorsX() return data
[docs]def importSuperSting(datafile, verbose=True): """Import ERT data from AGI SuperSting instrument (*.stg file).""" ALL = np.genfromtxt(datafile, delimiter=',', skip_header=3) Apos = ALL[:, 9:12] Bpos = ALL[:, 12:15] Mpos = ALL[:, 15:18] Npos = ALL[:, 18:21] # what about infinite electrodes? pos = np.vstack((Apos, Bpos, Mpos, Npos)) upos, ifwd, irev = uniqueRows(pos) data = pb.DataContainerERT() for ipos in upos: data.createSensor(ipos) data.resize(len(ALL)) ABMN = irev.reshape(4, -1).T for i, abmn in enumerate(ABMN): ind = [int(ii) for ii in abmn] data.createFourPointData(i, *ind) # ind[1], ind[0], ind[2], ind[3]) data.set('i', ALL[:, 6] * 1e-3) data.set('u', ALL[:, 4] * data('i')) # U=R*I data.set('err', ALL[:, 5] * 0.001) data.set('rhoa', ALL[:, 7]) if ALL.shape[1] > 30: data.set('ip', ALL[:, 30]*1000) # M integrated in msec for i in range(6): data.set('ip'+str(i+1), ALL[:, 24+i]) data.markValid(data('rhoa') > 0) data.checkDataValidity() data.sortSensorsX() return data
[docs]def readAsDictionary(content, token=None, sep=None): """Read list of strings from a file as column separated dictionary. e.g. token1 token2 token3 token4 va1 va2 val3 val4 va1 va2 val3 val4 va1 va2 val3 val4 Parameters ---------- content: [string] List of strings read from file: e.g. with open(filename, 'r') as fi: content = fi.readlines() fi.close() token: [string] If given the tokens will be the keys of the resulting dictionary. When token is None, tokens will be the first row values. When token is a empty list, the tokens will be autonamed to 'col' + str(ColNumber) ret: dictionary Dictionary of all data """ data = dict() if token is None: header = content[0].splitlines()[0].split(sep) token = [] for i, tok in enumerate(header): tok = tok.lstrip() token.append(tok) for i, row in enumerate(content[1:]): vals = row.splitlines()[0].split(sep) for j, v in enumerate(vals): v = v.replace(',', '.') if len(token) < j+1: token.append('col' + str(j)) if token[j] not in data: data[token[j]] = [None] * (len(content)-1) try: data[token[j]][i] = float(v) except: if len(v) == 1 and v[0] == '-': v = 0.0 data[token[j]][i] = v return data
[docs]def readABEMProtocolFile(xmlfile, verbose=False): """Read ABEM protocol file (*.xml) as DataContainerERT.""" # import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET ET = pg.optImport("xml.etree.ElementTree", "import ABEM protocol files (*.xml)") tree = ET.parse(xmlfile) root = tree.getroot() if verbose: for child in root: print(child.tag, child.text) seq = root.find('Sequence') A, B, M, N, C = [], [], [], [], [] for mea in seq.findall('Measure'): tx = mea.find('Tx') a, b = [int(k) for k in tx.text.split()] recs = mea.findall('Rx') C.append(len(recs)) for rx in recs: m, n = [int(k) for k in rx.text.split()] A.append(a) B.append(b) M.append(m) N.append(n) ABMN = np.column_stack((A, B, M, N)) nel = np.max(ABMN) dx = 1 data = pg.DataContainerERT() for i in range(nel): data.createSensor([i*dx, 0]) data.resize(ABMN.shape[0]) for i, abmn in enumerate(ABMN): data.createFourPointData(i, *[int(el)-1 for el in abmn]) if verbose: print(data) print("{:d} injections (mean c={:.1f})".format(len(C), data.size()/len(C))) return data
if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) == 2: filename = sys.argv[1] print(filename) ext = filename[filename.rfind('.'):].lower() fun = bertImportDataFileSuffixesDict[ext][1] importFunction = 'import' + fun data = eval(importFunction)(filename) # data = importData(datafile) print(data)