pybert.importer package


pybert.importer.exportData module

pybert.importer.exportData.exportData(data, filename, fmt='Gimli', verbose=False)[source]

Export datafile:

supported: syscal – syscal sequence

pybert.importer.exportData.exportRes2dInv(data, filename='out.res2dinv', ar_idfy=11, sep='\t', arrayName='mixed array', rhoa=False, verbose=False)[source]

Save data file under res2dinv general array format.

pybert.importer.exportData.exportResecsAsciiFile(data, filename, verbose=False)[source]

export data as column-baed Ascii File using Resecs format

pybert.importer.exportData.writeSyscalSequence(data, filename, verbose=False)[source]

export data container as syscal sequence (array definition) file

pybert.importer.importData module

pybert.importer.importData.import4PointLight(filename, verbose=False)[source]

Import Lippmann 4-point light instrument data (*.tx0)

pybert.importer.importData.import4PointLightOld(filename, verbose=False)[source]

import Lippmann 4-point light instrument data (*.tx0) DEPRECATED will be removed soon

pybert.importer.importData.importABEM(filename, verbose=False)[source]

Import old ABEM (AMP) format

Filename: Instrument ID: Date & Time: Base station: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Rows header/data/topography: 27 5949 0 Acquisition mode: 2 Measurement method: Section Electrode layout: 11 Freeform GN4 Co-ordinate type: XYZ:1 Smallest electrode spacing: 1.00 Marine survey (R,h,a,b): - - - - Protocol #1: GRAD2XA Protocol #2: - Protocol #3: - Protocol #4: - Protocol #5: - Protocol #6: - Protocol #7: - Protocol #8: - Operator: Client: Comment #1: Comment #2: Comment #3: Comment #4:

No. Time A(x) B(x) M(x) N(x) I(mA) Voltage(V) App.R.(ohmm) Error(%) *

pybert.importer.importData.importABEMAscii(filename, verbose=False, return_header=False)[source]

Import DataContainer from ABEM or Resecs Ascii (txt) export.

pybert.importer.importData.importABEMTerrameterSAS(filename, verbose=False)[source]

Import Terrameter SAS Ascii Export format.

Time MeasID DPID Channel A(x) A(y) A(z) B(x) B(y) B(z) M(x) M(y) M(z) N(x) N(y) N(z) F(x) F(y) F(z) Note I(mA) Uout(V) U(V) SP(V) R(O) Var(%) Rhoa Cycles Pint Pext(V) T(°C) Lat Long 2016-09-14 07:01:56 73 7 1 8 1 1 20 1 1 12 1 1 16 1 1 14 1 2.076 99.8757 107.892 0.0920761 0 0.921907 0.196302 23.17 1 12.1679 12.425 42.1962 0 0

pybert.importer.importData.importAsciiColumns(filename, verbose=False, return_header=False)[source]

Import any ERT data file organized in columns with column header

Input can be:
  • Terrameter LS or SAS Ascii Export format, e.g.

Time MeasID DPID Channel A(x) A(y) A(z) B(x) B(y) B(z) M(x) M(y) M(z) N(x) N(y) N(z) F(x) F(y) F(z) Note I(mA) Uout(V) U(V) SP(V) R(O) Var(%) Rhoa Cycles Pint Pext(V) T(°C) Lat Long 2016-09-14 07:01:56 73 7 1 8 1 1 20 1 1 12 1 1 16 1 1 14 1 2.076 99.8757 107.892 0.0920761 0 0.921907 0.196302 23.17 1 12.1679 12.425 42.1962 0 0

  • Resecs Output format
pybert.importer.importData.importData(filename, format='auto', verbose=False, debug=False)[source]

Import datafile into GIMLi unified data format

format : string, optional [auto]

*Gimli - gimli-unified data format *Res2dInv - res2dinv (partly) *PolePoleGeotom - Geotom Pole-Pole *SyscalPro - IRIS SYSCAL pro *SuperSting - AGI SuperSting *Lippmann - Lippmann 4-point light *Iris - IRIS test unknown *ABEM - ABEM test unknown *ABEMTerrameterSAS - ABEM test unknown *GeoSys - GeoSYS test unknown

verbose : boolean, optional [False]

Be verbose during import.

debug : boolean, optional [False]

Gives some more debug information.

pybert.importer.importData.importFLW(filename, verbose=False)[source]

Import Geotom free FLW format.

//FILENAME //- Kabelrichtung: // Kabel I: revers // Kabel II: normal // Kabel III: normal // Kabel IV: revers //- Kabelanordnung: parallel (2-2) //- Optimierung: letzte Messung //- Sortierung: nach Level //- Stromstufen: 5.0 mA .. 50.0 mA Type: Flow Name: Name Comment: Comment: Comment: Spacing: x First El: x Nr of points: Nr IP present: 0

1 4 2 3 5.000 51.0139 128.21 0.6
pybert.importer.importData.importGeoSys(filename, verbose=False)[source]

import GeoSys format

pybert.importer.importData.importGeotom(filename, verbose=False)[source]

Read data from Geotom instrument data (*.flw/wen/dd etc.)

str - title float - unit spacing [m] int - Array Number (1-Wenner, 3-Dipole-dipole atm only) int - Number of Datapoints float - x-location given in terms of first electrode

use 1 if mid-point location is given

int - 0 for no IP, use 1 if IP present str - Phase Angle if IP present str - mrad if IP present 0,90.0 - if IP present dataBody

pybert.importer.importData.importGimli(filename, verbose=False)[source]
pybert.importer.importData.importIris(filename, verbose=False)[source]

Import IRIS Instruments Ascii output file

El-array Spa.1 Spa.2 Spa.3 Spa.4 Rho Dev. M Sp Vp In Schlum. VES 0.00 43.00 21.00 22.00 25.08 0.0 0.00 -56.0 17.713 1025.036

pybert.importer.importData.importPolePoleGeotom(filename, verbose=False)[source]

Pole-Pole-from geotom?? EA- LOS_A1.dat “B_X” “B_Y” “N_X” “N_Y” “Rhos” 13 0 13 0.5 110.17 …. 13 0 13 1 90.71

pybert.importer.importData.importRes2dInv(filename, verbose=False, return_header=False)[source]

Read res2dinv format

filename : str
verbose : bool [False]
return_header : bool [False]
pg.DataContainerERT and (in case of return_header=True)
header dictionary
pybert.importer.importData.importResecsAscii(filename, verbose=False)[source]

Import Geoserve Resecs Ascii Export file.

pybert.importer.importData.importRollAlong4PointLight(basename, style='1', corI=0, start=1, verbose=False)[source]

Import several 4-point light roll along data files (*.tx0)

basename : str

the base file name (.tx0 extension will be stripped)

style : naming style [‘1’]

the roll-along files are called ‘1’: basename+’_1.tx0’, basename+’_2.tx0’ etc. ‘A’: basename+’_A.tx0’, basename+’_B’ etc. ‘a’: basename+’_a.tx0’, basename+’_b.tx0’

pybert.importer.importData.importSuperSting(datafile, verbose=True)[source]

Import ERT data from AGI SuperSting instrument (*.stg file).

pybert.importer.importData.importSyscalPro(filename, verbose=False)[source]

READ IRIS Syscal Pro or Elrec Pro file

ported from matlab version (from Tobias Pfaff, Uni Heidelberg)

pybert.importer.importData.readABEMProtocolFile(xmlfile, verbose=False)[source]

Read ABEM protocol file (*.xml) as DataContainerERT.

pybert.importer.importData.readAsDictionary(content, token=None, sep=None)[source]

Read list of strings from a file as column separated dictionary.

e.g. token1 token2 token3 token4 va1 va2 val3 val4 va1 va2 val3 val4 va1 va2 val3 val4
content: [string]

List of strings read from file: e.g. with open(filename, ‘r’) as fi:

content = fi.readlines()


token: [string]

If given the tokens will be the keys of the resulting dictionary. When token is None, tokens will be the first row values. When token is a empty list, the tokens will be autonamed to ‘col’ + str(ColNumber)

ret: dictionary

Dictionary of all data

pybert.importer.resecs module

pybert.importer.resecs.convGraeberLonLat(lo0, la0)[source]

convert 5411.97569 N 1339.50120 E >> 51.770517 6.311200


Read continuous (streaming) data from Resecs instrument.

pybert.importer.resecs.resecsLatLonToUtm(lat, lon, proj)[source]