# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Visualize ERT data."""
import numpy as np
from numpy import ma
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pygimli as pg
# from pygimli.mplviewer import cmapFromName
import pygimli.utils
from pygimli.mplviewer.dataview import generateMatrix, plotMatrix, patchMatrix
from pygimli.mplviewer.dataview import patchValMap
import pybert as pb
from . datascheme import Pseudotype, DataSchemeManager
[docs]def showData(data, vals=None, **kwargs):
"""Utility one-liner to show a BERT datafile.
Creates figure, axis and Show.
data : :bertapi:`BERT::DataContainerERT`
**kwargs :
* axes : matplotlib.axes
Axes to plot into. Default is None and a new figure and
axes are created.
* vals : Array[nData]
Values to be plotted. Default is data('rhoa').
* schemeName : str
Name for the scheme to be plotted with the old semiautomatic style.
Default is 'auto' to draw the new plotting style.
* : *
is forwarded to plotERTData (old style) or drawData (new style)
# remove ax keyword global
ax = kwargs.pop('axes', None)
if ax is None:
ax = kwargs.pop('ax', None)
if ax is None:
fig = plt.figure()
ax = None
axTopo = None
if 'showTopo' in kwargs:
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
# axs = fig.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True)
# # Remove horizontal space between axes
# fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0)
# ax = axs[1]
# axTopo = axs[0]
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
# vals = kwargs.pop('vals', data('rhoa'))
if vals is None:
vals = 'rhoa'
if isinstance(vals, str):
if data.haveData(vals):
vals = data(vals)
raise KeyError('field not in data container: ', vals)
schemeName = kwargs.pop('schemeName', 'auto')
if schemeName == 'auto':
ax, cbar = plotERTData(data, vals=vals, ax=ax, **kwargs)
# print("data: ", min(vals), max(vals))
drawData(ax, data, vals, schemeName=schemeName, **kwargs)
if 'xlabel' in kwargs:
if 'ylabel' in kwargs:
if 'showTopo' in kwargs:
# if axTopo is not None:
axTopo = plt.axes([ax.get_position().x0,
x = pg.x(data)
x *= (ax.get_xlim()[1] - ax.get_xlim()[0]) / (max(x)-min(x))
x += ax.get_xlim()[0]
axTopo.plot(x, pg.z(data), '-o', markersize=4)
axTopo.set_ylim(min(pg.z(data)), max(pg.z(data)))
# ax.set_aspect('equal')
# plt.pause(0.1)
if schemeName == 'auto':
return ax, cbar
return ax
[docs]def plotERTData(data, **kwargs):
"""Plot ERT data as pseudosection matrix (position over separation).
data : pybert.DataContainerERT
data container with sensorPositions and a/b/m/n fields
vals : iterable of data.size() [data('rhoa')]
vector containing the vals to show
ax : mpl.axis
axis to plot, if not given a new figure is created
cMin/cMax : float
minimum/maximum color vals
logScale : bool
logarithmic colour scale [min(A)>0]
label : string
colorbar label
* dx : float
x-width of individual rectangles
* ind : integer iterable or IVector
indices to limit display
* var : int [0]
historical plotting styles (1, 2)
* circular : bool
Plot in polar coordinates when plotting via patchValMap
The used Axes
The used Colorbar or None
vals = kwargs.pop('vals', data('rhoa'))
valid = data.get("valid").array().astype("bool")
vals = ma.array(vals, mask=~valid)
ind = kwargs.pop('ind', None)
if ind is not None:
vals = vals[ind]
mid, sep = midconfERT(data, ind)
mid, sep = midconfERT(data, circular=kwargs.get('circular', False))
var = kwargs.pop('var', 0)
ax = None
cbar = None
if var == 0: # default style
dx = kwargs.pop('dx', np.median(np.diff(np.unique(mid))))*2
ax, cbar, ymap = patchValMap(vals, mid, sep, dx=dx, **kwargs)
else: # only here for special cases
A, xmap, ymap = generateMatrix(mid, sep, vals, **kwargs)
if var == 1:
la = A.shape[1]
B = np.zeros((A.shape[0], la*2+2))
# for i in range(2):
# B[:, i:la*2+i-1:2] = A
for i in range(4):
B[:, i:la*2+i-1:2] += A
xmap2 = {}
for k in xmap:
xmap2[k * 2] = xmap[k]
xmap2[k*2 + 1] = xmap[k]
kwargs.setdefault('aspect', 2)
ax, cbar = plotMatrix(B, xmap2, ymap, showally=False, **kwargs)
elif var == 2:
ax, cbar = plotMatrix(A, xmap, ymap, showally=False, **kwargs)
ax, cbar = patchMatrix(A, xmap, ymap, **kwargs)
if kwargs.get('circular', False):
a = np.array([np.arctan2(x[1], x[0]) for x in data.sensors()])
p = list(range(len(a)))
# p.append(0)
ax.plot(np.cos(a)[p], np.sin(a)[p], 'o', color='black')
for i in range(len(a)):
ax.text(1.15 * np.cos(a[i]),
1.15 * np.sin(a[i]), str(i+1),
ytl = generateConfStr(np.sort([int(k) for k in ymap]))
if 'DD1' in ytl and 'WB2' in ytl and 'DD2'not in ytl:
ytl[ytl.index('DD1')] = 'WB1'
if 'WA1' in ytl and 'SL2' in ytl and 'WA2'not in ytl:
ytl[ytl.index('WA1')] = 'SL1'
yt = ax.get_yticks()
yt = np.unique(yt.clip(0, len(ytl)-1))
# if yt[0] == yt[1]:
# yt = yt[1:]
dyt = np.diff(yt)
if dyt[-1] < dyt[-2]:
yt = yt[:-1]
ax.set_yticklabels([ytl[int(yti)] for yti in yt])
return ax, cbar
[docs]def drawData(axes, data, vals, schemeName='A_M',
cMin=None, cMax=None, linear=False, label="",
scheme = None
dm = DataSchemeManager()
scheme = dm.scheme(schemeName)
if scheme is None:
scheme = dm.scheme('unknown')
gci = None
if np.min(vals) == np.max(vals):
drawDataAsMarker(axes, data, scheme=scheme)
elif patchView:
gci = pb.data.drawDataAsPatches(axes, data, vals,
gci = drawDataAsMatrix(axes, data, vals, scheme=scheme,
logScale=not linear,
if colorBar:
cMin=cMin, cMax=cMax,
nLevs=5, label=label,
if gci is not None:
if cMin != cMax:
gci.set_clim((cMin, cMax))
cmap = kwargs.pop('cMap', None)
if cmap is not None:
if type(cmap) is str:
return gci
[docs]def midconfERT(data, ind=None, rnum=1, circular=False):
"""Return the midpoint and configuration key for ERT data.
Return the midpoint and configuration key for ERT data.
data : pybert.DataContainerERT
data container with sensorPositions and a/b/m/n fields
ind : []
rnum : []
circular : bool
Return midpoint in degree (rad) instead if meter.
mid : np.array of float
representative midpoint (middle of MN, AM depending on array)
conf : np.array of float
configuration/array key consisting of
1) array type (Wenner-alpha/beta, Schlumberger, PP, PD, DD, MG)
00000: pole-pole
10000: pole-dipole or dipole-pole
30000: Wenner-alpha
40000: Schlumberger or Gradient
50000: dipole-dipole or Wenner-beta
2) potential dipole length (in electrode spacings)
3) separation factor (current dipole length or (di)pole separation)
# xe = np.hstack((pg.x(data.sensorPositions()), np.nan)) # not used anymore
x0 = data.sensorPosition(0).x()
xe = pg.x(data.sensorPositions()) - x0
ux = pg.unique(xe)
if len(ux) * 2 > data.sensorCount(): # 2D with topography case
dx = np.array(pg.utils.diff(pg.utils.cumDist(data.sensorPositions())))
dxM = pg.mean(dx)
if min(pg.y(data)) != max(pg.y(data)) or \
min(pg.z(data)) != max(pg.z(data)):
# Topography case
if (pg.max(abs(dx-dxM)) < dxM*0.9):
# if the maximum spacing < meanSpacing/2 we assume equidistant
# spacing and no missing electrodes
dx = np.ones(len(dx)) * dxM
# topography with probably missing electrodes
dx = np.floor(dx/np.round(dxM))*dxM
if max(dx) < 0.5:
print("Detecting small distances, using mm accuracy")
rnum = 3
xe = np.hstack((0., np.cumsum(np.round(dx, rnum)), np.nan))
de = np.median(np.diff(xe[:-1])).round(rnum)
ne = np.round(xe/de)
else: # 3D (without topo) case => take positions directly
de = np.median(np.diff(ux)).round(1)
ne = np.array(xe/de, dtype=int)
# a, b, m, n = data('a'), data('b'), data('m'), data('n')
# check if xe[a]/a is better suited (has similar size)
if circular:
# for circle geometry
center = np.mean(data.sensorPositions(), axis=0)
x = pg.x(data)-center[0]
y = pg.y(data)-center[1]
a = np.array([np.arctan2(y[i], x[i]) for i in data('a')])
b = np.array([np.arctan2(y[i], x[i]) for i in data('b')])
m = np.array([np.arctan2(y[i], x[i]) for i in data('m')])
n = np.array([np.arctan2(y[i], x[i]) for i in data('n')])
a = np.unwrap(a) % (np.pi*2)
b = np.unwrap(b) % (np.pi*2)
m = np.unwrap(m) % (np.pi*2)
n = np.unwrap(n) % (np.pi*2)
a = np.array([ne[int(i)] for i in data('a')])
b = np.array([ne[int(i)] for i in data('b')])
m = np.array([ne[int(i)] for i in data('m')])
n = np.array([ne[int(i)] for i in data('n')])
if ind is not None:
a = a[ind]
b = b[ind]
m = m[ind]
n = n[ind]
anan = np.isnan(a)
a[anan] = b[anan]
b[anan] = np.nan
ab, am, an = np.abs(a-b), np.abs(a-m), np.abs(a-n)
bm, bn, mn = np.abs(b-m), np.abs(b-n), np.abs(m-n)
if circular:
for v in [ab, mn, bm, an]:
v[v > np.pi] = 2*np.pi - v[v > np.pi]
# 2-point (default) 00000
sep = np.abs(a-m)
mid = (a+m) / 2
# 3-point (PD, DP) (now only b==-1 or n==-<1, check also for a and m)
imn = np.isfinite(n)*np.isnan(b)
mid[imn] = (m[imn]+n[imn]) / 2
sep[imn] = np.minimum(am[imn], an[imn]) + 10000 + 100 * (mn[imn]-1) + \
(np.sign(a[imn]-m[imn])/2+0.5) * 10000
iab = np.isfinite(b)*np.isnan(n)
mid[iab] = (a[iab]+b[iab]) / 2 # better 20000 or -10000?
sep[iab] = np.minimum(am[iab], bm[iab]) + 10000 + 100 * (ab[iab]-1) + \
(np.sign(a[iab]-n[iab])/2+0.5) * 10000
# + 10000*(a-m)
# 4-point alpha: 30000 (WE) or 4000 (SL)
iabmn = np.isfinite(a) & np.isfinite(b) & np.isfinite(m) & np.isfinite(n)
ialfa = np.copy(iabmn)
ialfa[iabmn] = (ab[iabmn] >= mn[iabmn]+2) # old
mnmid = (m[iabmn] + n[iabmn]) / 2
ialfa[iabmn] = np.sign((a[iabmn]-mnmid)*(b[iabmn]-mnmid)) < 0
mid[ialfa] = (m[ialfa] + n[ialfa]) / 2
spac = np.minimum(bn[ialfa], bm[ialfa])
abmn3 = np.round((3*mn[ialfa]-ab[ialfa])*10000)/10000
sep[ialfa] = spac + (mn[ialfa]-1)*100*(abmn3 != 0) + \
30000 + (abmn3 < 0)*10000
# gradient
# %% 4-point beta
ibeta = np.copy(iabmn)
ibeta[iabmn] = (bm[iabmn] >= mn[iabmn]) & (~ialfa[iabmn])
if circular:
# print(ab[ibeta])
ibeta = np.copy(iabmn)
def averageAngle(vs):
sumsin = 0
sumcos = 0
for v in vs:
sumsin += np.sin(v)
sumcos += np.cos(v)
return np.arctan2(sumsin, sumcos)
abC = averageAngle([a[ibeta], b[ibeta]])
mnC = averageAngle([m[ibeta], n[ibeta]])
mid[ibeta] = averageAngle([abC, mnC])
# speccial case when dipoles are completly opposite
iOpp = abs(abs((mnC - abC)) - np.pi) < 1e-3
mid[iOpp] = averageAngle([b[iOpp], m[iOpp]])
minAb = min(ab[ibeta])
sep[ibeta] = 50000 + (np.round(ab[ibeta]/minAb)) * 100 + \
np.round(np.minimum(np.minimum(am[ibeta], an[ibeta]),
np.minimum(bm[ibeta], bn[ibeta])) / minAb)
mid[ibeta] = (a[ibeta] + b[ibeta] + m[ibeta] + n[ibeta]) / 4
sep[ibeta] = 50000 + (ab[ibeta]-1) * 100 + np.minimum(
np.minimum(am[ibeta], an[ibeta]), np.minimum(bm[ibeta], bn[ibeta]))
# %% 4-point gamma
# multiply with electrode distance and add first position
if not circular:
mid *= de
mid += x0
return mid, sep
[docs]def generateConfStr(yy):
"""Generate configuration string to characterize array."""
types = ['PP', 'PD', 'DP', 'WA', 'SL', 'DD'] # base types
spac = yy % 100 # source-receiver distance
dip = np.round(yy//100) % 100 # MN dipole length
typ = np.round(yy//10000)
# check if SL is actually GR (multi-gradient)
# check if DD-n-n should be renamed
rendd = (np.mean(spac / (dip+1)) < 2.1)
keys = []
for s, d, t in zip(spac, dip, typ):
key = types[t]
if d > 0:
if rendd and d+1 == s and t == 5:
key = 'WB'
key = key + str(d+1) + '-'
key = key + "{:2d}".format(s) # str(s)
return keys
[docs]def createPseudoPosition(data, scheme, scaleX=False):
"""Create pseudo x position and separation for the dataset.
ScaleX: scales the x positions regarding the real electrode positions.
nElecs = data.sensorCount()
if scheme.typ == Pseudotype.DipoleDipole:
x = (data('a') + data('b') + data('m') + data('n')) / 4.0
sep = pg.abs((data('n') + data('m'))/2. - (data('b') + data('a'))/2.)
elif scheme.typ == Pseudotype.WennerBeta:
x = (data('a') + data('b') + data('m') + data('n')) / 4.0
sep = pg.abs((data('n')+data('m'))/2. - (data('b')+data('a'))/2.)/2.
sep = sep + 1.
elif scheme.typ == Pseudotype.WennerAlpha:
x = (data('a') + data('b') + data('m') + data('n')) / 4.0
sep = pg.abs((data('b')-data('a'))/2 + (data('n')-data('m'))/2.)/2.0
sep = sep + 1.
elif scheme.typ == Pseudotype.Schlumberger:
x = (data('a') + data('b') + data('m') + data('n')) / 4.0
sep = pg.abs((data('b')-data('a')) / 2.0 + (data('n')-data('m')) / 2.)
elif scheme.typ == Pseudotype.PoleDipole:
x = data('m')
sep = pg.abs(data('a') - data('m'))
sep = sep + 1.
elif scheme.typ == Pseudotype.HalfWenner:
x = data('m')
sep = data('a') - data('m')
sep = sep + 1.
elif scheme.typ == Pseudotype.Gradient:
x = (data('m') + data('n')) / 2.0
def psmin(vec1, vec2):
ret = pg.RVector(vec1.size(), 0.0)
for i in range(len(vec1)):
ret[i] = min(vec1[i], vec2[i])
return ret
sep = psmin((x - data('a')), (data('b') - x)) / 3.0
elif scheme.typ == Pseudotype.AB_MN:
x = data('a') * float(nElecs) + data('b')
sep = data('m') * float(nElecs) + data('n')
elif scheme.typ == Pseudotype.AB_M:
x = data('a') * float(nElecs) + data('b')
sep = data('m')
elif scheme.typ == Pseudotype.AB_N:
x = data('a') * float(nElecs) + data('b')
sep = data('n')
elif scheme.typ == Pseudotype.Test:
x = data('a') * float(nElecs) + data('b')
sep = pg.abs(data('m') - data('n')) * float(nElecs) * float(nElecs) + \
data('m') * float(nElecs) + data('n')
x = pg.RVector(data('a'))
sep = pg.RVector(data('m'))
# need a copy here , so we do not change the original data !!!
x = pg.RVector(x) # I do not get this point!
sep = pg.RVector(sep)
if scaleX:
x += data.sensorPositions()[0][0]
x *= data.sensorPositions()[0].distance(data.sensorPositions()[1])
sep -= 1.
sep *= -1.
return x, sep
[docs]def createDataMatrix(data, vals, scheme):
"""Create a matrix that represents the ERT data."""
nElecs = data.sensorCount()
nData = data.size()
# create horizontal (separation) and vertical (x)'pseudopositions'
x, sep = createPseudoPosition(data, scheme)
# unique separations
Sidx = pg.unique(pg.sort(sep))
# unique x-position
Xidx = pg.unique(pg.sort(x))
# scale parameter
dataWidthInMatrix = 1
xOffset = 0
xLength = len(Xidx)
# print(min(pygimli.utils.diff(Xidx)))
if scheme.typ > 2 and len(Xidx) > 1:
if pg.min(pygimli.utils.diff(Xidx)) < 1.0:
dataWidthInMatrix = int(1.0 / pg.min(pygimli.utils.diff(Xidx)))
if dataWidthInMatrix > 1:
xOffset = int(Xidx[0] * dataWidthInMatrix) - 1
xLength = (nElecs - 1) * dataWidthInMatrix
# print("xLength: ", xLength)
mat = np.ndarray(shape=(len(Sidx), xLength,), dtype=float, order='F')
# mat = arange(0.0, len(Sidx) * xLength)
mat[:] = 0.0
mat = ma.masked_where(mat == 0.0, mat)
# mat = mat.reshape(len(Sidx), xLength)
xMin = 1e99
xMax = -1e99
for i in range(0, nData):
if data.get('valid')[i]:
xPos = pg.find(Xidx == x[i])[0]
mat[pg.find(Sidx == sep[i]), xPos + xOffset] = vals[i]
for j in range(1, dataWidthInMatrix):
mat[pg.find(Sidx == sep[i]), xPos + xOffset + j] = vals[i]
xMin = min(xMin, xPos)
xMax = max(xMax, xPos + xOffset + dataWidthInMatrix)
# print("datasize:", data.size(), "shown: ",
# len(mat[~mat.mask]) / dataWidthInMatrix)
notShown = (data.size() - len(mat[~mat.mask]) / dataWidthInMatrix)
if notShown > 0:
print("data not shown: ", notShown)
return mat, Xidx, Sidx, dataWidthInMatrix, xMin, xMax
[docs]def drawDataAsMatrix(ax, data, vals, scheme,
mat=None, logScale=True, **kwargs):
"""Draw data as matrix image in axes ax."""
norm = None
if vals is None:
if mat is not None:
if isinstance(mat, pg.RMatrix):
# t = []
# for i in mat: t.append(pg.RVectorToList(i))
# m = array(t)
# m.reshape(len(mat), len(mat[0]))
t = np.zeros((len(mat), len(mat[0])))
for i, row in enumerate(mat):
t[i] = row
mat = t
elif isinstance(mat, list):
t = []
for i in mat:
m = np.array(t)
m.reshape(len(mat), len(mat[0]))
mat = m
raise BaseException('drawDataAsMatrix(...) No vals/matrix given.')
cmin = np.min(vals)
cmax = np.max(vals)
if cmin <= 0:
logScale = False
if logScale:
vals, cmin, cmax = pg.mplviewer.colorbar.findAndMaskBestClim(
vals, cMin=None, cMax=None, dropColLimitsPerc=5)
norm = mpl.colors.LogNorm()
matSpacing = None
if mat is None:
if data:
mat, matXidx, matSidx, matSpacing, xMin, xMax = createDataMatrix(
data, vals, scheme)
raise Exception(('no data or matrix given'))
mat = ma.masked_where(mat == 0.0, mat)
if min(mat.flat) < 0:
norm = mpl.colors.Normalize()
norm = mpl.colors.LogNorm()
image = ax.imshow(mat, interpolation='nearest', norm=norm)
image.get_cmap().set_bad([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0])
# print(mat.shape)
# print(matXidx)
# print(matSidx)
# print(min(matXidx), max(matXidx), matSpacing)
# print(min(matSidx), max(matSidx), matSpacing)
ax.set_xlim(xMin - matSpacing,
xMax + matSpacing)
# ax.set_xlim(data.sensorPositions()[0][0]*matSpacing - matSpacing,
# data.sensorPositions()[-1][0]*matSpacing + matSpacing)
annotateSeparationAxis(ax, scheme, grid=True)
return image
[docs]def annotateSeparationAxis(ax, scheme, grid=False):
"""Draw y-axes tick labels corresponding to the separation."""
prefix = scheme.prefix
def sepName(sep):
suffix = ""
if sep == 0:
return ''
elif sep > 0:
suffix = "'"
if grid:
ax.plot(ax.get_xlim(), [sep, sep], color='black', linewidth=1,
return prefix + ' $' + str(abs(int(sep))) + suffix + '$'
ax.yaxis.set_ticklabels([sepName(l) for l in ax.yaxis.get_ticklocs()])
[docs]def drawElectrodesAsMarker(ax, data):
"""Draw electrode marker, these marker are pickable."""
elecsX = []
elecsY = []
for i in range(len(data.sensorPositions())):
electrodeMarker, = ax.plot(elecsX, elecsY, 'x', color='black', picker=5.)
data.sensorPositions()[data.sensorCount() - 1][0] + 1.])
return electrodeMarker
[docs]def drawDataAsMarker(ax, data, scheme, **kwargs):
"""Draw pseudosection scheme for the data using marker only."""
# first draw the electrodes
electrodeMarker = drawElectrodesAsMarker(ax, data)
# now draw the data Marker
x, sep = createPseudoPosition(data, scheme, scaleX=True)
# print((max(sep)))
# print(sep)
maxSepView = max(sep) + 2
if max(sep) > 0:
maxSepView = maxSepView - 1
ax.set_ylim([min(sep) - 1, maxSepView])
dataMarker, = ax.plot(x, sep, '.', color='black', picker=5., **kwargs)
annotateSeparationAxis(ax, scheme, grid=True)
return electrodeMarker, dataMarker
[docs]def createDataPatches(ax, data, scheme, **kwargs):
"""Create patches for a pseudosection."""
# swatch = pg.Stopwatch(True)
x, sep = createPseudoPosition(data, scheme, scaleX=True)
ax.set_ylim([min(sep)-1, max(sep)+1])
# dx2 = (data.sensorPositions()[1][0] - data.sensorPositions()[0][0])/4.
dx2 = (x[1]-x[0])/2.
dSep2 = 0.5
polys = []
for i, xv in enumerate(x):
s = sep[i]
polys.append(list(zip([xv-dx2, xv+dx2, xv+dx2, xv-dx2],
[s - dSep2, s - dSep2, s + dSep2, s + dSep2])))
patches = mpl.collections.PolyCollection(polys, antialiaseds=False,
lod=True, **kwargs)
# patches.set_linewidth(0.001)
# print("Create data patches takes t = ", swatch.duration(True))
return patches
[docs]def drawDataAsPatches(ax, data, vals, scheme,
writeValues=False, logScale=True, **kwargs):
"""Draw pseudosection as patch graphic."""
# first draw the electrodes
# electrodeMarker = drawElectrodesAsMarker(ax, data) # never used!
# now draw the data Marker
gci = createDataPatches(ax, data, scheme, **kwargs)
vals = ma.masked_where(vals == 0, vals * data.get('valid'))
pg.mplviewer.setMappableData(gci, vals, logScale=logScale)
# if min(vals) < 0 :
# writeValues = True
if writeValues:
x, sep = createPseudoPosition(data, scheme, scaleX=True)
for i, xv in enumerate(x):
ax.text(xv, sep[i], str(round(vals[i], 2)), fontsize='8',
horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center')
annotateSeparationAxis(ax, scheme, grid=True)
return gci