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ERT modeling and inversion in 2D¶
Import necessary dependencies. pyGIMLi ( is used to create the geometry as well as the modeling and inversion meshes.
import pybert as pb
import pygimli as pg
import pygimli.meshtools as mt # save space
Create geometry definition for the modelling domain. worldMarker=True indicates the default boundary conditions for the ERT
world = mt.createWorld(start=[-50, 0], end=[50, -50], layers=[-1, -5],
# Create some heterogeneous circular anomaly
block = mt.createCircle(pos=[0, -3.], radius=1, marker=4, boundaryMarker=10,
# Merge geometry definition into a Piecewise Linear Complex (PLC)
geom = mt.mergePLC([world, block])
# Optional: show the geometry
Create a Dipole Dipole (‘dd’) measuring scheme with 21 electrodes.
scheme = pb.createData(elecs=pg.utils.grange(start=-10, end=10, n=21),
Put all electrodes (aka. sensors positions) into the PLC to enforce mesh refinement. Due to experience known, its convenient to add further refinement nodes in a distance of 10% of electrode spacing, to achieve sufficient numerical accuracy.
for pos in scheme.sensorPositions():
geom.createNode(pos + pg.RVector3(0, -0.1))
Create a mesh for the finite element modelling with appropriate mesh quality.
mesh = mt.createMesh(geom, quality=34)
# Create a map to set resistivity values in the appropriate regions
# [[regionNumber, resistivity], [regionNumber, resistivity], [...]
rhomap = [[1, 100.],
[2, 50.],
[3, 10.],
[4, 100.]]
# Optional: take a look at the mesh, data=rhomap, label='Resistivity $(\Omega$m)', showMesh=True)
Initialize the ERTManager (The class name is a subject to further change!)
ert = pb.ERTManager()
# Perform the modeling with the mesh and the measuring scheme itself
# and return a data container with apparent resistivity values,
# geometric factors and estimated data errors specified by the noise setting.
# The noise is also added to the data.
data = ert.simulate(mesh, res=rhomap, scheme=scheme, noiseLevel=1,
# Optional: you can filter all values and tokens in the data container.
print('Simulated rhoa', data('rhoa'), max(data('rhoa')))
# Its possible that there are some negative data values due to noise and
# huge geometric factors. So we need to remove them
data.markInvalid(data('rhoa') < 0)
print('Filtered rhoa', data('rhoa'), max(data('rhoa')))
# Optional: save the data for further use'simple.dat')
# Optional: take a look at the data
relativeError set to a value > 0.5 .. assuming this is a percentage Error level dividing them by 100
Data error estimate (min:max) 0.010000195282949438 : 0.011090363058703138
Simulated rhoa <class 'pygimli.core._pygimli_.RVector'> 171 [96.5888457117166,...,19.379920543633702] 99.22675013386537
Filtered rhoa <class 'pygimli.core._pygimli_.RVector'> 171 [96.5888457117166,...,19.379920543633702] 99.22675013386537
To avoid an inverse crime the inversion needs to be calculated on a different mesh that has no geometric signatures of the simulation mesh. Either let the inversion create a suitable mesh or provide a own.
# Run the ERTManager to invert the modeled data.
# The necessary inversion mesh is generated automatic.
model = ert.invert(data, paraDX=0.3, maxCellArea=0.2, lam=20)
# Let the ERTManger show you the model and fitting results of the last
# successful run.
# Show data, model response, and model
creating mesh...
Mesh: Nodes: 1097 Cells: 2082 Boundaries: 3178
Mesh: Nodes: 1097 Cells: 2082 Boundaries: 3178
Optional: provide a custom mesh to the inversion
grid = pg.createGrid(x=pg.utils.grange(start=-12, end=12, n=33),
y=-pg.utils.grange(0.5, 8, n=8, log=True))
mesh = pg.meshtools.appendTriangleBoundary(grid, xbound=50, ybound=50)
model = ert.invert(data, mesh=mesh, lam=20)
chi2 = ert.inv.getChi2()
# Stop the script here and wait until all figure are closed.
Mesh: Nodes: 988 Cells: 1553 Boundaries: 2540
Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 17.753 seconds)