pybert.sip package

Spectral induced polarization (SIP) MethodManager.

Spectral induced polarization (SIP) data handling, modelling and inversion.

class pybert.sip.SIPdata(filename=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Class for managing spectral induced polarisation (SIP) field data.


addData(name) Add data from another file or sip class.
chooseResult([take]) Choose single-frequency result (self.res/phi) from matrices
createERTManager(**kwargs) Create an ERT manager to do the ERT inversion with.
filter([fmin, fmax, kmax, electrode, …]) Filter data with respect to frequencies and geometric factor.
fitAllPhi([show]) Fit all phase spectra by cole-cole models.
generateDataPDF([kmax, ipmin, ipmax, rmin, …]) Generate multipage pdf document for all data as pseudosections.
generateResultPDF([rmin, rmax, imax, figsize]) Generate a multipage pdf with rho/phi for each frequency.
generateSpectraPDF([useall, maxphi, rlim, …]) Make pdf file containing all spectra.
getCellID(pos) Return cell ID of nearest cell to position.
getDataSpectrum([dataNo, abmn]) Return SIP spectrum class for single data number.
getModelSpectrum(cellID) Return SIP spectrum for single cell (id or position).
individualInversion() Carry out individual inversion for all frequencies ==> .RES.
load(filename[, verbose, f, instr, …]) Load SIP data from file.
loadFit() Load fitted chargeability, time constant & exponent from file.
loadMPTData(filename) Read Multi-phase technology (MPT) phase SIP field data files.
loadResults([take]) Load inversion results from file into self.RES/PHI.
organiseSIP256data([electrodes, takeall]) Builds up empty data container with the quadrupoles.
printColeColeParameters(point) Print Cole-Cole parameters for point or id
removeEpsilon([mode, verbose]) Remove high-frequency parts by fitting static epsilon.
saveData([basename]) Save data shm and .rhoa/.phia matrices.
saveFit() Save fitted chargeability, time constant & exponent to file.
saveResults() Save inversion results to .rho and .phi file plus mesh.
showAllFrequencyData(**kwargs) Show pseudesections for all data in one plot with subplots.
showAllPhases([imax, figsize]) Show all model phases in subplots using the same colorscale.
showAllResistivities([figsize]) Show model resistivities in subplots using the same colorscale.
showAllResults([rmin, rmax, imax, figsize]) Show resistivities and phases next to each other in subplots.
showColeColeFit(*args, **kwargs) Redirecto to new name showColeColeParameters.
showColeColeParameters([figsize, save, …]) Show distribution of Cole-Cole parameters.
showModelSpectra(positions, **kwargs) Show model spectra for a number of positions or IDs.
showModelSpectrum(cellID, **kwargs) Show SIP spectrum for single cell (id or position).
showSingleFrequencyData([fr, ax, what]) Show pseudosections of a single frequency.
showSingleResult([res, phi, ax, nr, rmin, …]) Show resistivity and phase from single f inversion.
simulate(mesh, rhovec, mvec, tauvec, cvec, …) Synthetic simulation based on Cole-Cole model.
simultaneousInversion(**kwargs) Carry out both simultaneous resistivity and phase inversions.
simultaneousPhaseInversion(**kwargs) Carry out simultaneous phase inversion of all frequencies.
simultaneousResistivityInversion(**kwargs) Carry out simultaneous resistivity inversion of all frequencies.
singleFrequencyData([ifr, kmax]) Return filled ERT data container for one frequency.
singleInversion([ifr, ipError]) Carry out single-frequency inversion with frequency (number).
singleMInversion([ifr, ipError]) Chargeability-based inversion.
sortFreq() Old version of sortFrequency (for backward compatibility).
sortFrequencies() Sort frequencies (and data) in increasing order.
writeAllData([floatfmt]) Output the data as complete matrices (including ABMN, k and f).
writeDataMat([fmt]) Output the data as matrices called basename + ending rhoa/phia.
writeSingleFrequencyData([kmax]) Write single frequency data in unified data format.

Add data from another file or sip class.


Choose single-frequency result (self.res/phi) from matrices

self.RES/PHI by index, maximum (take < 0) or sum (take > nfreq)


Create an ERT manager to do the ERT inversion with.

filter(fmin=0, fmax=1000000000.0, kmax=1000000.0, electrode=None, forward=False, a=None, b=None, m=None, n=None, ab=None, mn=None, corrSID=1, nr=[])[source]

Filter data with respect to frequencies and geometric factor.

fmin : double

minimum frequency

fmax : double

maximum frequency

kmax : double

maximum (absolute) geometric factor

electrode : int

electrode to be removed completely

a/b/m/n : int

delete data with specific current or potential dipole lengths

ab/mn : int

delete data with specific current or potential dipole lengths

corrSID: int [1]

correct sensor index (like in data files)

fitAllPhi(show=False, **kwargs)[source]

Fit all phase spectra by cole-cole models.

generateDataPDF(kmax=None, ipmin=0, ipmax=None, rmin=None, rmax=None, figsize=(8, 10), **kwargs)[source]

Generate multipage pdf document for all data as pseudosections.

Each page contains app. res. and phase pseudosections for single phase.

rmin : float [minvalues]

minimum apparent resistivity in mrad

rmax : float [maxvalues]

minimum apparent resistivity in mrad

ipmin : float [0]

minimum apparent phase in mrad

ipmax : float [maxvalues]

minimum apparent phase in mrad

figsize : tuple(width, height)

figure size in inches


options to be passed to

generateResultPDF(rmin=10, rmax=1000, imax=200, figsize=(12, 12), **kwargs)[source]

Generate a multipage pdf with rho/phi for each frequency.

generateSpectraPDF(useall=False, maxphi=100.0, rlim=None, maxdist=999, figsize=(8.5, 11), **kwargs)[source]

Make pdf file containing all spectra.


Return cell ID of nearest cell to position.

getDataSpectrum(dataNo=None, abmn=None)[source]

Return SIP spectrum class for single data number.


Return SIP spectrum for single cell (id or position).


Carry out individual inversion for all frequencies ==> .RES.

load(filename, verbose=False, f=None, instr='SIP256', electrodes=None, takeall=False)[source]

Load SIP data from file.

Load SIP data from file. (either Radic RES, MPT or single files)

filename: str, [str, ]

single filename, basename or filename list for shm/rhoa/phia

f : array

frequency vector (not in all instrument data files)

instr : str

instrument name (as alternative to the frequency vector)

electrodes : [[x,y],]

Overrides sensor positions

verbose : bool

Be verbose.

takeall : bool

Don’t delete any data while reading res files.


Load fitted chargeability, time constant & exponent from file.


Read Multi-phase technology (MPT) phase SIP field data files.


Load inversion results from file into self.RES/PHI.

Set also single-frequency result (self.res/phi) by index, maximum (take < 0) or sum (take > nfreq)

organiseSIP256data(electrodes=None, takeall=False)[source]

Builds up empty data container with the quadrupoles.

electrode : list [None]

Overwrite the electrodes positions given in the SIP265.res file.

takeall : bool [False]

Don’t delete any data while reading res files.


Print Cole-Cole parameters for point or id

removeEpsilon(mode=2, verbose=True)[source]

Remove high-frequency parts by fitting static epsilon.


Save data shm and .rhoa/.phia matrices.


Save fitted chargeability, time constant & exponent to file.


Save inversion results to .rho and .phi file plus mesh.


Show pseudesections for all data in one plot with subplots.

showAllPhases(imax=200, figsize=(10, 16), **kwargs)[source]

Show all model phases in subplots using the same colorscale.

showAllResistivities(figsize=(10, 16), **kwargs)[source]

Show model resistivities in subplots using the same colorscale.

showAllResults(rmin=10, rmax=1000, imax=100, figsize=(10, 16), **kwargs)[source]

Show resistivities and phases next to each other in subplots.

showColeColeFit(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Redirecto to new name showColeColeParameters.

showColeColeParameters(figsize=(8, 12), save=False, mlim=(None, None), tlim=(None, None), clim=(0, 0.5), mincov=0.05, **kwargs)[source]

Show distribution of Cole-Cole parameters.

showModelSpectra(positions, **kwargs)[source]

Show model spectra for a number of positions or IDs.

showModelSpectrum(cellID, **kwargs)[source]

Show SIP spectrum for single cell (id or position).

showSingleFrequencyData(fr=0, ax=None, what=None, **kwargs)[source]

Show pseudosections of a single frequency.

showSingleResult(res=None, phi=None, ax=None, nr=0, rmin=None, rmax=None, imax=None, save=None, **kwargs)[source]

Show resistivity and phase from single f inversion.

simulate(mesh, rhovec, mvec, tauvec, cvec, **kwargs)[source]

Synthetic simulation based on Cole-Cole model.


Carry out both simultaneous resistivity and phase inversions.


Carry out simultaneous phase inversion of all frequencies.


Carry out simultaneous resistivity inversion of all frequencies.

singleFrequencyData(ifr=0, kmax=None)[source]

Return filled ERT data container for one frequency. ip =neg phase (mrad).

singleInversion(ifr=0, ipError=None, **kwargs)[source]

Carry out single-frequency inversion with frequency (number).

ifr : int [0]

frequency number

ipError : float

error of ip measurements [10% of median ip data]

lamIP : float [100]

regularization parameter for IP inversion

**kwargs passed to ERT.invert:
  • lam : float [20]
    regularization parameter
  • zWeight : float [0.7]
    relative vertical weight
  • maxIter : int [20]
    maximum iteration number
  • robustData : bool [False]
    robust data reweighting using an L1 scheme (IRLS reweighting)
  • blockyModel : bool [False]
    blocky model constraint using L1 reweighting roughness vector
  • startModelIsReference : bool [False]
    startmodel is the reference model for the inversion

forwarded to createMesh

  • depth
  • quality
  • paraDX
  • maxCellArea
singleMInversion(ifr=10, ipError=0.005, **kwargs)[source]

Chargeability-based inversion.


Old version of sortFrequency (for backward compatibility).


Sort frequencies (and data) in increasing order.


Output the data as complete matrices (including ABMN, k and f).

phia = apparent neg. phase (mrad).


Output the data as matrices called basename + ending rhoa/phia.


Write single frequency data in unified data format.


pybert.sip.sip module

Spectral induced polarization (SIP) data handling and inversion.

class pybert.sip.sip.SIPdata(filename=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Class for managing spectral induced polarisation (SIP) field data.


addData(name) Add data from another file or sip class.
chooseResult([take]) Choose single-frequency result (self.res/phi) from matrices
createERTManager(**kwargs) Create an ERT manager to do the ERT inversion with.
filter([fmin, fmax, kmax, electrode, …]) Filter data with respect to frequencies and geometric factor.
fitAllPhi([show]) Fit all phase spectra by cole-cole models.
generateDataPDF([kmax, ipmin, ipmax, rmin, …]) Generate multipage pdf document for all data as pseudosections.
generateResultPDF([rmin, rmax, imax, figsize]) Generate a multipage pdf with rho/phi for each frequency.
generateSpectraPDF([useall, maxphi, rlim, …]) Make pdf file containing all spectra.
getCellID(pos) Return cell ID of nearest cell to position.
getDataSpectrum([dataNo, abmn]) Return SIP spectrum class for single data number.
getModelSpectrum(cellID) Return SIP spectrum for single cell (id or position).
individualInversion() Carry out individual inversion for all frequencies ==> .RES.
load(filename[, verbose, f, instr, …]) Load SIP data from file.
loadFit() Load fitted chargeability, time constant & exponent from file.
loadMPTData(filename) Read Multi-phase technology (MPT) phase SIP field data files.
loadResults([take]) Load inversion results from file into self.RES/PHI.
organiseSIP256data([electrodes, takeall]) Builds up empty data container with the quadrupoles.
printColeColeParameters(point) Print Cole-Cole parameters for point or id
removeEpsilon([mode, verbose]) Remove high-frequency parts by fitting static epsilon.
saveData([basename]) Save data shm and .rhoa/.phia matrices.
saveFit() Save fitted chargeability, time constant & exponent to file.
saveResults() Save inversion results to .rho and .phi file plus mesh.
showAllFrequencyData(**kwargs) Show pseudesections for all data in one plot with subplots.
showAllPhases([imax, figsize]) Show all model phases in subplots using the same colorscale.
showAllResistivities([figsize]) Show model resistivities in subplots using the same colorscale.
showAllResults([rmin, rmax, imax, figsize]) Show resistivities and phases next to each other in subplots.
showColeColeFit(*args, **kwargs) Redirecto to new name showColeColeParameters.
showColeColeParameters([figsize, save, …]) Show distribution of Cole-Cole parameters.
showModelSpectra(positions, **kwargs) Show model spectra for a number of positions or IDs.
showModelSpectrum(cellID, **kwargs) Show SIP spectrum for single cell (id or position).
showSingleFrequencyData([fr, ax, what]) Show pseudosections of a single frequency.
showSingleResult([res, phi, ax, nr, rmin, …]) Show resistivity and phase from single f inversion.
simulate(mesh, rhovec, mvec, tauvec, cvec, …) Synthetic simulation based on Cole-Cole model.
simultaneousInversion(**kwargs) Carry out both simultaneous resistivity and phase inversions.
simultaneousPhaseInversion(**kwargs) Carry out simultaneous phase inversion of all frequencies.
simultaneousResistivityInversion(**kwargs) Carry out simultaneous resistivity inversion of all frequencies.
singleFrequencyData([ifr, kmax]) Return filled ERT data container for one frequency.
singleInversion([ifr, ipError]) Carry out single-frequency inversion with frequency (number).
singleMInversion([ifr, ipError]) Chargeability-based inversion.
sortFreq() Old version of sortFrequency (for backward compatibility).
sortFrequencies() Sort frequencies (and data) in increasing order.
writeAllData([floatfmt]) Output the data as complete matrices (including ABMN, k and f).
writeDataMat([fmt]) Output the data as matrices called basename + ending rhoa/phia.
writeSingleFrequencyData([kmax]) Write single frequency data in unified data format.

Add data from another file or sip class.


Choose single-frequency result (self.res/phi) from matrices

self.RES/PHI by index, maximum (take < 0) or sum (take > nfreq)


Create an ERT manager to do the ERT inversion with.

filter(fmin=0, fmax=1000000000.0, kmax=1000000.0, electrode=None, forward=False, a=None, b=None, m=None, n=None, ab=None, mn=None, corrSID=1, nr=[])[source]

Filter data with respect to frequencies and geometric factor.

fmin : double

minimum frequency

fmax : double

maximum frequency

kmax : double

maximum (absolute) geometric factor

electrode : int

electrode to be removed completely

a/b/m/n : int

delete data with specific current or potential dipole lengths

ab/mn : int

delete data with specific current or potential dipole lengths

corrSID: int [1]

correct sensor index (like in data files)

fitAllPhi(show=False, **kwargs)[source]

Fit all phase spectra by cole-cole models.

generateDataPDF(kmax=None, ipmin=0, ipmax=None, rmin=None, rmax=None, figsize=(8, 10), **kwargs)[source]

Generate multipage pdf document for all data as pseudosections.

Each page contains app. res. and phase pseudosections for single phase.

rmin : float [minvalues]

minimum apparent resistivity in mrad

rmax : float [maxvalues]

minimum apparent resistivity in mrad

ipmin : float [0]

minimum apparent phase in mrad

ipmax : float [maxvalues]

minimum apparent phase in mrad

figsize : tuple(width, height)

figure size in inches


options to be passed to

generateResultPDF(rmin=10, rmax=1000, imax=200, figsize=(12, 12), **kwargs)[source]

Generate a multipage pdf with rho/phi for each frequency.

generateSpectraPDF(useall=False, maxphi=100.0, rlim=None, maxdist=999, figsize=(8.5, 11), **kwargs)[source]

Make pdf file containing all spectra.


Return cell ID of nearest cell to position.

getDataSpectrum(dataNo=None, abmn=None)[source]

Return SIP spectrum class for single data number.


Return SIP spectrum for single cell (id or position).


Carry out individual inversion for all frequencies ==> .RES.

load(filename, verbose=False, f=None, instr='SIP256', electrodes=None, takeall=False)[source]

Load SIP data from file.

Load SIP data from file. (either Radic RES, MPT or single files)

filename: str, [str, ]

single filename, basename or filename list for shm/rhoa/phia

f : array

frequency vector (not in all instrument data files)

instr : str

instrument name (as alternative to the frequency vector)

electrodes : [[x,y],]

Overrides sensor positions

verbose : bool

Be verbose.

takeall : bool

Don’t delete any data while reading res files.


Load fitted chargeability, time constant & exponent from file.


Read Multi-phase technology (MPT) phase SIP field data files.


Load inversion results from file into self.RES/PHI.

Set also single-frequency result (self.res/phi) by index, maximum (take < 0) or sum (take > nfreq)

organiseSIP256data(electrodes=None, takeall=False)[source]

Builds up empty data container with the quadrupoles.

electrode : list [None]

Overwrite the electrodes positions given in the SIP265.res file.

takeall : bool [False]

Don’t delete any data while reading res files.


Print Cole-Cole parameters for point or id

removeEpsilon(mode=2, verbose=True)[source]

Remove high-frequency parts by fitting static epsilon.


Save data shm and .rhoa/.phia matrices.


Save fitted chargeability, time constant & exponent to file.


Save inversion results to .rho and .phi file plus mesh.


Show pseudesections for all data in one plot with subplots.

showAllPhases(imax=200, figsize=(10, 16), **kwargs)[source]

Show all model phases in subplots using the same colorscale.

showAllResistivities(figsize=(10, 16), **kwargs)[source]

Show model resistivities in subplots using the same colorscale.

showAllResults(rmin=10, rmax=1000, imax=100, figsize=(10, 16), **kwargs)[source]

Show resistivities and phases next to each other in subplots.

showColeColeFit(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Redirecto to new name showColeColeParameters.

showColeColeParameters(figsize=(8, 12), save=False, mlim=(None, None), tlim=(None, None), clim=(0, 0.5), mincov=0.05, **kwargs)[source]

Show distribution of Cole-Cole parameters.

showModelSpectra(positions, **kwargs)[source]

Show model spectra for a number of positions or IDs.

showModelSpectrum(cellID, **kwargs)[source]

Show SIP spectrum for single cell (id or position).

showSingleFrequencyData(fr=0, ax=None, what=None, **kwargs)[source]

Show pseudosections of a single frequency.

showSingleResult(res=None, phi=None, ax=None, nr=0, rmin=None, rmax=None, imax=None, save=None, **kwargs)[source]

Show resistivity and phase from single f inversion.

simulate(mesh, rhovec, mvec, tauvec, cvec, **kwargs)[source]

Synthetic simulation based on Cole-Cole model.


Carry out both simultaneous resistivity and phase inversions.


Carry out simultaneous phase inversion of all frequencies.


Carry out simultaneous resistivity inversion of all frequencies.

singleFrequencyData(ifr=0, kmax=None)[source]

Return filled ERT data container for one frequency. ip =neg phase (mrad).

singleInversion(ifr=0, ipError=None, **kwargs)[source]

Carry out single-frequency inversion with frequency (number).

ifr : int [0]

frequency number

ipError : float

error of ip measurements [10% of median ip data]

lamIP : float [100]

regularization parameter for IP inversion

**kwargs passed to ERT.invert:
  • lam : float [20]
    regularization parameter
  • zWeight : float [0.7]
    relative vertical weight
  • maxIter : int [20]
    maximum iteration number
  • robustData : bool [False]
    robust data reweighting using an L1 scheme (IRLS reweighting)
  • blockyModel : bool [False]
    blocky model constraint using L1 reweighting roughness vector
  • startModelIsReference : bool [False]
    startmodel is the reference model for the inversion

forwarded to createMesh

  • depth
  • quality
  • paraDX
  • maxCellArea
singleMInversion(ifr=10, ipError=0.005, **kwargs)[source]

Chargeability-based inversion.


Old version of sortFrequency (for backward compatibility).


Sort frequencies (and data) in increasing order.


Output the data as complete matrices (including ABMN, k and f).

phia = apparent neg. phase (mrad).


Output the data as matrices called basename + ending rhoa/phia.


Write single frequency data in unified data format.

pybert.sip.sip.importSIP256Test(filename, verbose=False)[source]

Read SIP256 file (RES format) and return a DataContainer.

Experimental to be a little bit more flexible Read SIP256 file (RES format) and return a DataContainer.

Supported: SIP256D

TODO: UNICODE problems with ° sign TODO: find BEGIN END frequencies bug in fileformat TODO: read older versions

filename: str

*.RES file (SIP256 raw output file)

verbose: bool

Do some output [False].

data : pg.DataContainer


data = importSIP256(‘myfile.res’, True)



pybert.sip.sipCP module

pybert.sip.sipmodelling module

class pybert.sip.sipmodelling.DCIPMModelling(f, mesh, rho, verbose=False)[source]

Bases: pygimli.core.ModellingBaseMT__

DC/IP modelling class using an (FD-based) approach


__call__((object)arg1, (object)model) C++ signature :
clearConstraints((object)arg1) C++ signature :
clearJacobian((object)arg1) C++ signature :
constraints((object)arg1) C++ signature :
constraintsRef((object)arg1) C++ signature :
createConstraints((object)arg1) C++ signature :
createDefaultStartModel((object)arg1) C++ signature :
createJacobian(model) create jacobian matrix using unchanged DC jacobian and m model
createMappedModel((object)arg1, …) Read only extrapolation of model values given per cell marker to values given per cell.
createRefinedForwardMesh((object)arg1 [, …) C++ signature :
createStartModel((object)arg1) C++ signature :
createStartVector((object)arg1) DEPRECATED use createStartModel
data((object)arg1) Return the associated data container.
deleteMesh((object)arg1) Delete the actual mesh.
initConstraints((object)arg1) C++ signature :
initJacobian((object)arg1) C++ signature :
initRegionManager((object)arg1) C++ signature :
jacobian((object)arg1) Return the pointer to the Jacobian matrix associated with this forward operator.
jacobianRef((object)arg1) C++ signature :
mapModel((object)arg1, (object)model [, …) C++ signature :
mesh((object)arg1) C++ signature :
multiThreadJacobian((object)arg1) Return number of threads used for Jacobian generation.
region((object)arg1, (object)marker) Syntactic sugar for this->regionManager().region(marker).
regionManager((object)arg1) C++ signature :
regionManagerRef((object)arg1) C++ signature :
response(m) return forward response as function of chargeability model
response_mt((object)arg1, (object)model [, …) C++ signature :
setConstraints((object)arg1, (object)C) C++ signature :
setData((object)arg1, (object)data) Change the associated data container
setJacobian((object)arg1, (object)J) C++ signature :
setMesh((object)arg1, (object)mesh [, …) Set new mesh to the forward operator, optionally hold region parameter for the new mesh (i.e.
setMultiThreadJacobian((object)arg1, …) Set number of threads used for brute force Jacobian generation.
setRegionManager((object)arg1, (object)reg) C++ signature :
setStartModel((object)arg1, (object)startModel) C++ signature :
setThreadCount((object)arg1, (object)nThreads) Set the maximum number of allowed threads for MT calculation.
setVerbose((object)arg1, (object)verbose) Set verbose state.
solution((object)arg1) C++ signature :
startModel((object)arg1) C++ signature :
threadCount((object)arg1) Return the maximum number of allowed threads for MT calculation
verbose((object)arg1) Get verbose state.

create jacobian matrix using unchanged DC jacobian and m model


return forward response as function of chargeability model

class pybert.sip.sipmodelling.ERTMultiPhimod(pd, J2d, nf, rotate=False, verbose=False)[source]

Bases: pygimli.core.ModellingBaseMT__

FDEM 2d-LCI modelling class based on BlockMatrices


__call__((object)arg1, (object)model) C++ signature :
clearConstraints((object)arg1) C++ signature :
clearJacobian((object)arg1) C++ signature :
constraints((object)arg1) C++ signature :
constraintsRef((object)arg1) C++ signature :
createConstraints((object)arg1) C++ signature :
createDefaultStartModel((object)arg1) C++ signature :
createJacobian((object)arg1, (object)model) C++ signature :
createMappedModel((object)arg1, …) Read only extrapolation of model values given per cell marker to values given per cell.
createRefinedForwardMesh((object)arg1 [, …) C++ signature :
createStartModel((object)arg1) C++ signature :
createStartVector((object)arg1) DEPRECATED use createStartModel
data((object)arg1) Return the associated data container.
deleteMesh((object)arg1) Delete the actual mesh.
initConstraints((object)arg1) C++ signature :
initJacobian((object)arg1) C++ signature :
initRegionManager((object)arg1) C++ signature :
jacobian((object)arg1) Return the pointer to the Jacobian matrix associated with this forward operator.
jacobianRef((object)arg1) C++ signature :
mapModel((object)arg1, (object)model [, …) C++ signature :
mesh((object)arg1) C++ signature :
multiThreadJacobian((object)arg1) Return number of threads used for Jacobian generation.
region((object)arg1, (object)marker) Syntactic sugar for this->regionManager().region(marker).
regionManager((object)arg1) C++ signature :
regionManagerRef((object)arg1) C++ signature :
response(model) cut-together forward responses of all soundings
response_mt((object)arg1, (object)model [, …) C++ signature :
setConstraints((object)arg1, (object)C) C++ signature :
setData((object)arg1, (object)data) Change the associated data container
setJacobian((object)arg1, (object)J) C++ signature :
setMesh((object)arg1, (object)mesh [, …) Set new mesh to the forward operator, optionally hold region parameter for the new mesh (i.e.
setMultiThreadJacobian((object)arg1, …) Set number of threads used for brute force Jacobian generation.
setRegionManager((object)arg1, (object)reg) C++ signature :
setStartModel((object)arg1, (object)startModel) C++ signature :
setThreadCount((object)arg1, (object)nThreads) Set the maximum number of allowed threads for MT calculation.
setVerbose((object)arg1, (object)verbose) Set verbose state.
solution((object)arg1) C++ signature :
startModel((object)arg1) C++ signature :
threadCount((object)arg1) Return the maximum number of allowed threads for MT calculation
verbose((object)arg1) Get verbose state.
createJacobian((object)arg1, (object)model) → object :[source]
C++ signature :
void* createJacobian(GIMLI::ModellingBase {lvalue},GIMLI::Vector<double>)

createJacobian( (object)arg1, (object)model) -> object :

C++ signature :
void* createJacobian(ModellingBase_wrapper {lvalue},GIMLI::Vector<double>)

createJacobian( (object)arg1, (object)model, (object)resp) -> object :

C++ signature :
void* createJacobian(GIMLI::ModellingBase {lvalue},GIMLI::Vector<double>,GIMLI::Vector<double>)

createJacobian( (object)arg1, (object)model, (object)resp) -> object :

C++ signature :
void* createJacobian(ModellingBase_wrapper {lvalue},GIMLI::Vector<double>,GIMLI::Vector<double>)

cut-together forward responses of all soundings

class pybert.sip.sipmodelling.ERTTLmod(nf=0, data=None, mesh=None, fop=None, rotate=False, set1back=True, verbose=False)[source]

Bases: pygimli.core.ModellingBaseMT__

ERT timelapse modelling class based on BlockMatrices


__call__((object)arg1, (object)model) C++ signature :
clearConstraints((object)arg1) C++ signature :
clearJacobian((object)arg1) C++ signature :
constraints((object)arg1) C++ signature :
constraintsRef((object)arg1) C++ signature :
createConstraints((object)arg1) C++ signature :
createDefaultStartModel((object)arg1) C++ signature :
createJacobian((object)arg1, (object)model) C++ signature :
createMappedModel((object)arg1, …) Read only extrapolation of model values given per cell marker to values given per cell.
createRefinedForwardMesh((object)arg1 [, …) C++ signature :
createStartModel((object)arg1) C++ signature :
createStartVector((object)arg1) DEPRECATED use createStartModel
data((object)arg1) Return the associated data container.
deleteMesh((object)arg1) Delete the actual mesh.
initConstraints((object)arg1) C++ signature :
initJacobian((object)arg1) C++ signature :
initRegionManager((object)arg1) C++ signature :
jacobian((object)arg1) Return the pointer to the Jacobian matrix associated with this forward operator.
jacobianRef((object)arg1) C++ signature :
mapModel((object)arg1, (object)model [, …) C++ signature :
mesh((object)arg1) C++ signature :
multiThreadJacobian((object)arg1) Return number of threads used for Jacobian generation.
region((object)arg1, (object)marker) Syntactic sugar for this->regionManager().region(marker).
regionManager((object)arg1) C++ signature :
regionManagerRef((object)arg1) C++ signature :
response(model) cut-together forward responses of all soundings
response_mt((object)arg1, (object)model [, …) C++ signature :
setConstraints((object)arg1, (object)C) C++ signature :
setData((object)arg1, (object)data) Change the associated data container
setJacobian((object)arg1, (object)J) C++ signature :
setMesh((object)arg1, (object)mesh [, …) Set new mesh to the forward operator, optionally hold region parameter for the new mesh (i.e.
setMultiThreadJacobian((object)arg1, …) Set number of threads used for brute force Jacobian generation.
setRegionManager((object)arg1, (object)reg) C++ signature :
setStartModel((object)arg1, (object)startModel) C++ signature :
setThreadCount((object)arg1, (object)nThreads) Set the maximum number of allowed threads for MT calculation.
setVerbose((object)arg1, (object)verbose) Set verbose state.
solution((object)arg1) C++ signature :
startModel((object)arg1) C++ signature :
threadCount((object)arg1) Return the maximum number of allowed threads for MT calculation
verbose((object)arg1) Get verbose state.
createJacobian((object)arg1, (object)model) → object :[source]
C++ signature :
void* createJacobian(GIMLI::ModellingBase {lvalue},GIMLI::Vector<double>)

createJacobian( (object)arg1, (object)model) -> object :

C++ signature :
void* createJacobian(ModellingBase_wrapper {lvalue},GIMLI::Vector<double>)

createJacobian( (object)arg1, (object)model, (object)resp) -> object :

C++ signature :
void* createJacobian(GIMLI::ModellingBase {lvalue},GIMLI::Vector<double>,GIMLI::Vector<double>)

createJacobian( (object)arg1, (object)model, (object)resp) -> object :

C++ signature :
void* createJacobian(ModellingBase_wrapper {lvalue},GIMLI::Vector<double>,GIMLI::Vector<double>)

cut-together forward responses of all soundings

class pybert.sip.sipmodelling.notusedanymoreLRMultMatrix(A, left, right, verbose=False)[source]

Bases: pygimli.core._pygimli_.MatrixBase

matrix consisting of actual RMatrix and lef-side vector


clean((object)arg1) C++ signature :
clear((object)arg1) C++ signature :
cols() return number of columns (using underlying matrix)
dot((object)arg1, (object)a) C++ signature :
mult(x) multiplication from right-hand-side (dot product)
resize((object)arg1, (object)rows, (object)cols) C++ signature :
rows() return number of rows (using underlying matrix)
rtti((object)arg1) C++ signature :
save((object)arg1, (object)filename) C++ signature :
setVerbose((object)arg1, (object)verbose) C++ signature :
size((object)arg1) Return number of rows
transMult(x) multiplication from right-hand-side (dot product)
verbose((object)arg1) C++ signature :

return number of columns (using underlying matrix)


multiplication from right-hand-side (dot product)


return number of rows (using underlying matrix)


multiplication from right-hand-side (dot product)