pybert.sip package¶
Spectral induced polarization (SIP) MethodManager.
Spectral induced polarization (SIP) data handling, modelling and inversion.
(filename=None, **kwargs)[source]¶ Bases:
Class for managing spectral induced polarisation (SIP) field data.
(name)Add data from another file or sip class. chooseResult
([take])Choose single-frequency result (self.res/phi) from matrices createERTManager
(**kwargs)Create an ERT manager to do the ERT inversion with. filter
([fmin, fmax, kmax, electrode, …])Filter data with respect to frequencies and geometric factor. fitAllPhi
([show])Fit all phase spectra by cole-cole models. generateDataPDF
([kmax, ipmin, ipmax, rmin, …])Generate multipage pdf document for all data as pseudosections. generateResultPDF
([rmin, rmax, imax, figsize])Generate a multipage pdf with rho/phi for each frequency. generateSpectraPDF
([useall, maxphi, rlim, …])Make pdf file containing all spectra. getCellID
(pos)Return cell ID of nearest cell to position. getDataSpectrum
([dataNo, abmn])Return SIP spectrum class for single data number. getModelSpectrum
(cellID)Return SIP spectrum for single cell (id or position). individualInversion
()Carry out individual inversion for all frequencies ==> .RES. load
(filename[, verbose, f, instr, …])Load SIP data from file. loadFit
()Load fitted chargeability, time constant & exponent from file. loadMPTData
(filename)Read Multi-phase technology (MPT) phase SIP field data files. loadResults
([take])Load inversion results from file into self.RES/PHI. organiseSIP256data
([electrodes, takeall])Builds up empty data container with the quadrupoles. printColeColeParameters
(point)Print Cole-Cole parameters for point or id removeEpsilon
([mode, verbose])Remove high-frequency parts by fitting static epsilon. saveData
([basename])Save data shm and .rhoa/.phia matrices. saveFit
()Save fitted chargeability, time constant & exponent to file. saveResults
()Save inversion results to .rho and .phi file plus mesh. showAllFrequencyData
(**kwargs)Show pseudesections for all data in one plot with subplots. showAllPhases
([imax, figsize])Show all model phases in subplots using the same colorscale. showAllResistivities
([figsize])Show model resistivities in subplots using the same colorscale. showAllResults
([rmin, rmax, imax, figsize])Show resistivities and phases next to each other in subplots. showColeColeFit
(*args, **kwargs)Redirecto to new name showColeColeParameters. showColeColeParameters
([figsize, save, …])Show distribution of Cole-Cole parameters. showModelSpectra
(positions, **kwargs)Show model spectra for a number of positions or IDs. showModelSpectrum
(cellID, **kwargs)Show SIP spectrum for single cell (id or position). showSingleFrequencyData
([fr, ax, what])Show pseudosections of a single frequency. showSingleResult
([res, phi, ax, nr, rmin, …])Show resistivity and phase from single f inversion. simulate
(mesh, rhovec, mvec, tauvec, cvec, …)Synthetic simulation based on Cole-Cole model. simultaneousInversion
(**kwargs)Carry out both simultaneous resistivity and phase inversions. simultaneousPhaseInversion
(**kwargs)Carry out simultaneous phase inversion of all frequencies. simultaneousResistivityInversion
(**kwargs)Carry out simultaneous resistivity inversion of all frequencies. singleFrequencyData
([ifr, kmax])Return filled ERT data container for one frequency. singleInversion
([ifr, ipError])Carry out single-frequency inversion with frequency (number). singleMInversion
([ifr, ipError])Chargeability-based inversion. sortFreq
()Old version of sortFrequency (for backward compatibility). sortFrequencies
()Sort frequencies (and data) in increasing order. writeAllData
([floatfmt])Output the data as complete matrices (including ABMN, k and f). writeDataMat
([fmt])Output the data as matrices called basename + ending rhoa/phia. writeSingleFrequencyData
([kmax])Write single frequency data in unified data format. -
(take=0)[source]¶ Choose single-frequency result (self.res/phi) from matrices
self.RES/PHI by index, maximum (take < 0) or sum (take > nfreq)
(fmin=0, fmax=1000000000.0, kmax=1000000.0, electrode=None, forward=False, a=None, b=None, m=None, n=None, ab=None, mn=None, corrSID=1, nr=[])[source]¶ Filter data with respect to frequencies and geometric factor.
Parameters: - fmin : double
minimum frequency
- fmax : double
maximum frequency
- kmax : double
maximum (absolute) geometric factor
- electrode : int
electrode to be removed completely
- a/b/m/n : int
delete data with specific current or potential dipole lengths
- ab/mn : int
delete data with specific current or potential dipole lengths
- corrSID: int [1]
correct sensor index (like in data files)
(kmax=None, ipmin=0, ipmax=None, rmin=None, rmax=None, figsize=(8, 10), **kwargs)[source]¶ Generate multipage pdf document for all data as pseudosections.
Each page contains app. res. and phase pseudosections for single phase.
Parameters: - Colorscales:
- rmin : float [minvalues]
minimum apparent resistivity in mrad
- rmax : float [maxvalues]
minimum apparent resistivity in mrad
- ipmin : float [0]
minimum apparent phase in mrad
- ipmax : float [maxvalues]
minimum apparent phase in mrad
- figsize : tuple(width, height)
figure size in inches
- **kwargs
options to be passed to
(rmin=10, rmax=1000, imax=200, figsize=(12, 12), **kwargs)[source]¶ Generate a multipage pdf with rho/phi for each frequency.
(useall=False, maxphi=100.0, rlim=None, maxdist=999, figsize=(8.5, 11), **kwargs)[source]¶ Make pdf file containing all spectra.
(filename, verbose=False, f=None, instr='SIP256', electrodes=None, takeall=False)[source]¶ Load SIP data from file.
Load SIP data from file. (either Radic RES, MPT or single files)
Parameters: - filename: str, [str, ]
single filename, basename or filename list for shm/rhoa/phia
- f : array
frequency vector (not in all instrument data files)
- instr : str
instrument name (as alternative to the frequency vector)
- electrodes : [[x,y],]
Overrides sensor positions
- verbose : bool
Be verbose.
- takeall : bool
Don’t delete any data while reading res files.
(take=0)[source]¶ Load inversion results from file into self.RES/PHI.
Set also single-frequency result (self.res/phi) by index, maximum (take < 0) or sum (take > nfreq)
(electrodes=None, takeall=False)[source]¶ Builds up empty data container with the quadrupoles.
Parameters: - electrode : list [None]
Overwrite the electrodes positions given in the SIP265.res file.
- takeall : bool [False]
Don’t delete any data while reading res files.
(imax=200, figsize=(10, 16), **kwargs)[source]¶ Show all model phases in subplots using the same colorscale.
(figsize=(10, 16), **kwargs)[source]¶ Show model resistivities in subplots using the same colorscale.
(rmin=10, rmax=1000, imax=100, figsize=(10, 16), **kwargs)[source]¶ Show resistivities and phases next to each other in subplots.
(figsize=(8, 12), save=False, mlim=(None, None), tlim=(None, None), clim=(0, 0.5), mincov=0.05, **kwargs)[source]¶ Show distribution of Cole-Cole parameters.
(fr=0, ax=None, what=None, **kwargs)[source]¶ Show pseudosections of a single frequency.
(res=None, phi=None, ax=None, nr=0, rmin=None, rmax=None, imax=None, save=None, **kwargs)[source]¶ Show resistivity and phase from single f inversion.
(mesh, rhovec, mvec, tauvec, cvec, **kwargs)[source]¶ Synthetic simulation based on Cole-Cole model.
(**kwargs)[source]¶ Carry out both simultaneous resistivity and phase inversions.
(**kwargs)[source]¶ Carry out simultaneous phase inversion of all frequencies.
(**kwargs)[source]¶ Carry out simultaneous resistivity inversion of all frequencies.
(ifr=0, kmax=None)[source]¶ Return filled ERT data container for one frequency. ip =neg phase (mrad).
(ifr=0, ipError=None, **kwargs)[source]¶ Carry out single-frequency inversion with frequency (number).
Parameters: - ifr : int [0]
frequency number
- ipError : float
error of ip measurements [10% of median ip data]
- lamIP : float [100]
regularization parameter for IP inversion
- **kwargs passed to ERT.invert:
- lam : float [20]
- regularization parameter
- zWeight : float [0.7]
- relative vertical weight
- maxIter : int [20]
- maximum iteration number
- robustData : bool [False]
- robust data reweighting using an L1 scheme (IRLS reweighting)
- blockyModel : bool [False]
- blocky model constraint using L1 reweighting roughness vector
- startModelIsReference : bool [False]
- startmodel is the reference model for the inversion
forwarded to createMesh
- depth
- quality
- paraDX
- maxCellArea
pybert.sip.sip module¶
Spectral induced polarization (SIP) data handling and inversion.
(filename=None, **kwargs)[source]¶ Bases:
Class for managing spectral induced polarisation (SIP) field data.
(name)Add data from another file or sip class. chooseResult
([take])Choose single-frequency result (self.res/phi) from matrices createERTManager
(**kwargs)Create an ERT manager to do the ERT inversion with. filter
([fmin, fmax, kmax, electrode, …])Filter data with respect to frequencies and geometric factor. fitAllPhi
([show])Fit all phase spectra by cole-cole models. generateDataPDF
([kmax, ipmin, ipmax, rmin, …])Generate multipage pdf document for all data as pseudosections. generateResultPDF
([rmin, rmax, imax, figsize])Generate a multipage pdf with rho/phi for each frequency. generateSpectraPDF
([useall, maxphi, rlim, …])Make pdf file containing all spectra. getCellID
(pos)Return cell ID of nearest cell to position. getDataSpectrum
([dataNo, abmn])Return SIP spectrum class for single data number. getModelSpectrum
(cellID)Return SIP spectrum for single cell (id or position). individualInversion
()Carry out individual inversion for all frequencies ==> .RES. load
(filename[, verbose, f, instr, …])Load SIP data from file. loadFit
()Load fitted chargeability, time constant & exponent from file. loadMPTData
(filename)Read Multi-phase technology (MPT) phase SIP field data files. loadResults
([take])Load inversion results from file into self.RES/PHI. organiseSIP256data
([electrodes, takeall])Builds up empty data container with the quadrupoles. printColeColeParameters
(point)Print Cole-Cole parameters for point or id removeEpsilon
([mode, verbose])Remove high-frequency parts by fitting static epsilon. saveData
([basename])Save data shm and .rhoa/.phia matrices. saveFit
()Save fitted chargeability, time constant & exponent to file. saveResults
()Save inversion results to .rho and .phi file plus mesh. showAllFrequencyData
(**kwargs)Show pseudesections for all data in one plot with subplots. showAllPhases
([imax, figsize])Show all model phases in subplots using the same colorscale. showAllResistivities
([figsize])Show model resistivities in subplots using the same colorscale. showAllResults
([rmin, rmax, imax, figsize])Show resistivities and phases next to each other in subplots. showColeColeFit
(*args, **kwargs)Redirecto to new name showColeColeParameters. showColeColeParameters
([figsize, save, …])Show distribution of Cole-Cole parameters. showModelSpectra
(positions, **kwargs)Show model spectra for a number of positions or IDs. showModelSpectrum
(cellID, **kwargs)Show SIP spectrum for single cell (id or position). showSingleFrequencyData
([fr, ax, what])Show pseudosections of a single frequency. showSingleResult
([res, phi, ax, nr, rmin, …])Show resistivity and phase from single f inversion. simulate
(mesh, rhovec, mvec, tauvec, cvec, …)Synthetic simulation based on Cole-Cole model. simultaneousInversion
(**kwargs)Carry out both simultaneous resistivity and phase inversions. simultaneousPhaseInversion
(**kwargs)Carry out simultaneous phase inversion of all frequencies. simultaneousResistivityInversion
(**kwargs)Carry out simultaneous resistivity inversion of all frequencies. singleFrequencyData
([ifr, kmax])Return filled ERT data container for one frequency. singleInversion
([ifr, ipError])Carry out single-frequency inversion with frequency (number). singleMInversion
([ifr, ipError])Chargeability-based inversion. sortFreq
()Old version of sortFrequency (for backward compatibility). sortFrequencies
()Sort frequencies (and data) in increasing order. writeAllData
([floatfmt])Output the data as complete matrices (including ABMN, k and f). writeDataMat
([fmt])Output the data as matrices called basename + ending rhoa/phia. writeSingleFrequencyData
([kmax])Write single frequency data in unified data format. -
(take=0)[source]¶ Choose single-frequency result (self.res/phi) from matrices
self.RES/PHI by index, maximum (take < 0) or sum (take > nfreq)
(fmin=0, fmax=1000000000.0, kmax=1000000.0, electrode=None, forward=False, a=None, b=None, m=None, n=None, ab=None, mn=None, corrSID=1, nr=[])[source]¶ Filter data with respect to frequencies and geometric factor.
Parameters: - fmin : double
minimum frequency
- fmax : double
maximum frequency
- kmax : double
maximum (absolute) geometric factor
- electrode : int
electrode to be removed completely
- a/b/m/n : int
delete data with specific current or potential dipole lengths
- ab/mn : int
delete data with specific current or potential dipole lengths
- corrSID: int [1]
correct sensor index (like in data files)
(kmax=None, ipmin=0, ipmax=None, rmin=None, rmax=None, figsize=(8, 10), **kwargs)[source]¶ Generate multipage pdf document for all data as pseudosections.
Each page contains app. res. and phase pseudosections for single phase.
Parameters: - Colorscales:
- rmin : float [minvalues]
minimum apparent resistivity in mrad
- rmax : float [maxvalues]
minimum apparent resistivity in mrad
- ipmin : float [0]
minimum apparent phase in mrad
- ipmax : float [maxvalues]
minimum apparent phase in mrad
- figsize : tuple(width, height)
figure size in inches
- **kwargs
options to be passed to
(rmin=10, rmax=1000, imax=200, figsize=(12, 12), **kwargs)[source]¶ Generate a multipage pdf with rho/phi for each frequency.
(useall=False, maxphi=100.0, rlim=None, maxdist=999, figsize=(8.5, 11), **kwargs)[source]¶ Make pdf file containing all spectra.
(filename, verbose=False, f=None, instr='SIP256', electrodes=None, takeall=False)[source]¶ Load SIP data from file.
Load SIP data from file. (either Radic RES, MPT or single files)
Parameters: - filename: str, [str, ]
single filename, basename or filename list for shm/rhoa/phia
- f : array
frequency vector (not in all instrument data files)
- instr : str
instrument name (as alternative to the frequency vector)
- electrodes : [[x,y],]
Overrides sensor positions
- verbose : bool
Be verbose.
- takeall : bool
Don’t delete any data while reading res files.
(take=0)[source]¶ Load inversion results from file into self.RES/PHI.
Set also single-frequency result (self.res/phi) by index, maximum (take < 0) or sum (take > nfreq)
(electrodes=None, takeall=False)[source]¶ Builds up empty data container with the quadrupoles.
Parameters: - electrode : list [None]
Overwrite the electrodes positions given in the SIP265.res file.
- takeall : bool [False]
Don’t delete any data while reading res files.
(imax=200, figsize=(10, 16), **kwargs)[source]¶ Show all model phases in subplots using the same colorscale.
(figsize=(10, 16), **kwargs)[source]¶ Show model resistivities in subplots using the same colorscale.
(rmin=10, rmax=1000, imax=100, figsize=(10, 16), **kwargs)[source]¶ Show resistivities and phases next to each other in subplots.
(figsize=(8, 12), save=False, mlim=(None, None), tlim=(None, None), clim=(0, 0.5), mincov=0.05, **kwargs)[source]¶ Show distribution of Cole-Cole parameters.
(fr=0, ax=None, what=None, **kwargs)[source]¶ Show pseudosections of a single frequency.
(res=None, phi=None, ax=None, nr=0, rmin=None, rmax=None, imax=None, save=None, **kwargs)[source]¶ Show resistivity and phase from single f inversion.
(mesh, rhovec, mvec, tauvec, cvec, **kwargs)[source]¶ Synthetic simulation based on Cole-Cole model.
(**kwargs)[source]¶ Carry out both simultaneous resistivity and phase inversions.
(**kwargs)[source]¶ Carry out simultaneous phase inversion of all frequencies.
(**kwargs)[source]¶ Carry out simultaneous resistivity inversion of all frequencies.
(ifr=0, kmax=None)[source]¶ Return filled ERT data container for one frequency. ip =neg phase (mrad).
(ifr=0, ipError=None, **kwargs)[source]¶ Carry out single-frequency inversion with frequency (number).
Parameters: - ifr : int [0]
frequency number
- ipError : float
error of ip measurements [10% of median ip data]
- lamIP : float [100]
regularization parameter for IP inversion
- **kwargs passed to ERT.invert:
- lam : float [20]
- regularization parameter
- zWeight : float [0.7]
- relative vertical weight
- maxIter : int [20]
- maximum iteration number
- robustData : bool [False]
- robust data reweighting using an L1 scheme (IRLS reweighting)
- blockyModel : bool [False]
- blocky model constraint using L1 reweighting roughness vector
- startModelIsReference : bool [False]
- startmodel is the reference model for the inversion
forwarded to createMesh
- depth
- quality
- paraDX
- maxCellArea
(filename, verbose=False)[source]¶ Read SIP256 file (RES format) and return a DataContainer.
Experimental to be a little bit more flexible Read SIP256 file (RES format) and return a DataContainer.
Supported: SIP256D
TODO: UNICODE problems with ° sign TODO: find BEGIN END frequencies bug in fileformat TODO: read older versions
Parameters: - filename: str
*.RES file (SIP256 raw output file)
- verbose: bool
Do some output [False].
Returns: - data : pg.DataContainer
data = importSIP256(‘myfile.res’, True)
pybert.sip.sipCP module¶
pybert.sip.sipmodelling module¶
(f, mesh, rho, verbose=False)[source]¶ Bases:
DC/IP modelling class using an (FD-based) approach
((object)arg1, (object)model)C++ signature : clearConstraints
((object)arg1)C++ signature : clearJacobian
((object)arg1)C++ signature : constraints
((object)arg1)C++ signature : constraintsRef
((object)arg1)C++ signature : createConstraints
((object)arg1)C++ signature : createDefaultStartModel
((object)arg1)C++ signature : createJacobian
(model)create jacobian matrix using unchanged DC jacobian and m model createMappedModel
((object)arg1, …)Read only extrapolation of model values given per cell marker to values given per cell. createRefinedForwardMesh
((object)arg1 [, …)C++ signature : createStartModel
((object)arg1)C++ signature : createStartVector
((object)arg1)DEPRECATED use createStartModel data
((object)arg1)Return the associated data container. deleteMesh
((object)arg1)Delete the actual mesh. initConstraints
((object)arg1)C++ signature : initJacobian
((object)arg1)C++ signature : initRegionManager
((object)arg1)C++ signature : jacobian
((object)arg1)Return the pointer to the Jacobian matrix associated with this forward operator. jacobianRef
((object)arg1)C++ signature : mapModel
((object)arg1, (object)model [, …)C++ signature : mesh
((object)arg1)C++ signature : multiThreadJacobian
((object)arg1)Return number of threads used for Jacobian generation. region
((object)arg1, (object)marker)Syntactic sugar for this->regionManager().region(marker). regionManager
((object)arg1)C++ signature : regionManagerRef
((object)arg1)C++ signature : response
(m)return forward response as function of chargeability model response_mt
((object)arg1, (object)model [, …)C++ signature : setConstraints
((object)arg1, (object)C)C++ signature : setData
((object)arg1, (object)data)Change the associated data container setJacobian
((object)arg1, (object)J)C++ signature : setMesh
((object)arg1, (object)mesh [, …)Set new mesh to the forward operator, optionally hold region parameter for the new mesh (i.e. setMultiThreadJacobian
((object)arg1, …)Set number of threads used for brute force Jacobian generation. setRegionManager
((object)arg1, (object)reg)C++ signature : setStartModel
((object)arg1, (object)startModel)C++ signature : setThreadCount
((object)arg1, (object)nThreads)Set the maximum number of allowed threads for MT calculation. setVerbose
((object)arg1, (object)verbose)Set verbose state. solution
((object)arg1)C++ signature : startModel
((object)arg1)C++ signature : threadCount
((object)arg1)Return the maximum number of allowed threads for MT calculation verbose
((object)arg1)Get verbose state. createJacobian_mt responses
(pd, J2d, nf, rotate=False, verbose=False)[source]¶ Bases:
FDEM 2d-LCI modelling class based on BlockMatrices
((object)arg1, (object)model)C++ signature : clearConstraints
((object)arg1)C++ signature : clearJacobian
((object)arg1)C++ signature : constraints
((object)arg1)C++ signature : constraintsRef
((object)arg1)C++ signature : createConstraints
((object)arg1)C++ signature : createDefaultStartModel
((object)arg1)C++ signature : createJacobian
((object)arg1, (object)model)C++ signature : createMappedModel
((object)arg1, …)Read only extrapolation of model values given per cell marker to values given per cell. createRefinedForwardMesh
((object)arg1 [, …)C++ signature : createStartModel
((object)arg1)C++ signature : createStartVector
((object)arg1)DEPRECATED use createStartModel data
((object)arg1)Return the associated data container. deleteMesh
((object)arg1)Delete the actual mesh. initConstraints
((object)arg1)C++ signature : initJacobian
((object)arg1)C++ signature : initRegionManager
((object)arg1)C++ signature : jacobian
((object)arg1)Return the pointer to the Jacobian matrix associated with this forward operator. jacobianRef
((object)arg1)C++ signature : mapModel
((object)arg1, (object)model [, …)C++ signature : mesh
((object)arg1)C++ signature : multiThreadJacobian
((object)arg1)Return number of threads used for Jacobian generation. region
((object)arg1, (object)marker)Syntactic sugar for this->regionManager().region(marker). regionManager
((object)arg1)C++ signature : regionManagerRef
((object)arg1)C++ signature : response
(model)cut-together forward responses of all soundings response_mt
((object)arg1, (object)model [, …)C++ signature : setConstraints
((object)arg1, (object)C)C++ signature : setData
((object)arg1, (object)data)Change the associated data container setJacobian
((object)arg1, (object)J)C++ signature : setMesh
((object)arg1, (object)mesh [, …)Set new mesh to the forward operator, optionally hold region parameter for the new mesh (i.e. setMultiThreadJacobian
((object)arg1, …)Set number of threads used for brute force Jacobian generation. setRegionManager
((object)arg1, (object)reg)C++ signature : setStartModel
((object)arg1, (object)startModel)C++ signature : setThreadCount
((object)arg1, (object)nThreads)Set the maximum number of allowed threads for MT calculation. setVerbose
((object)arg1, (object)verbose)Set verbose state. solution
((object)arg1)C++ signature : startModel
((object)arg1)C++ signature : threadCount
((object)arg1)Return the maximum number of allowed threads for MT calculation verbose
((object)arg1)Get verbose state. createJacobian_mt responses -
((object)arg1, (object)model) → object :[source]¶ - C++ signature :
- void* createJacobian(GIMLI::ModellingBase {lvalue},GIMLI::Vector<double>)
createJacobian( (object)arg1, (object)model) -> object :
- C++ signature :
- void* createJacobian(ModellingBase_wrapper {lvalue},GIMLI::Vector<double>)
createJacobian( (object)arg1, (object)model, (object)resp) -> object :
- C++ signature :
- void* createJacobian(GIMLI::ModellingBase {lvalue},GIMLI::Vector<double>,GIMLI::Vector<double>)
createJacobian( (object)arg1, (object)model, (object)resp) -> object :
- C++ signature :
- void* createJacobian(ModellingBase_wrapper {lvalue},GIMLI::Vector<double>,GIMLI::Vector<double>)
(nf=0, data=None, mesh=None, fop=None, rotate=False, set1back=True, verbose=False)[source]¶ Bases:
ERT timelapse modelling class based on BlockMatrices
((object)arg1, (object)model)C++ signature : clearConstraints
((object)arg1)C++ signature : clearJacobian
((object)arg1)C++ signature : constraints
((object)arg1)C++ signature : constraintsRef
((object)arg1)C++ signature : createConstraints
((object)arg1)C++ signature : createDefaultStartModel
((object)arg1)C++ signature : createJacobian
((object)arg1, (object)model)C++ signature : createMappedModel
((object)arg1, …)Read only extrapolation of model values given per cell marker to values given per cell. createRefinedForwardMesh
((object)arg1 [, …)C++ signature : createStartModel
((object)arg1)C++ signature : createStartVector
((object)arg1)DEPRECATED use createStartModel data
((object)arg1)Return the associated data container. deleteMesh
((object)arg1)Delete the actual mesh. initConstraints
((object)arg1)C++ signature : initJacobian
((object)arg1)C++ signature : initRegionManager
((object)arg1)C++ signature : jacobian
((object)arg1)Return the pointer to the Jacobian matrix associated with this forward operator. jacobianRef
((object)arg1)C++ signature : mapModel
((object)arg1, (object)model [, …)C++ signature : mesh
((object)arg1)C++ signature : multiThreadJacobian
((object)arg1)Return number of threads used for Jacobian generation. region
((object)arg1, (object)marker)Syntactic sugar for this->regionManager().region(marker). regionManager
((object)arg1)C++ signature : regionManagerRef
((object)arg1)C++ signature : response
(model)cut-together forward responses of all soundings response_mt
((object)arg1, (object)model [, …)C++ signature : setConstraints
((object)arg1, (object)C)C++ signature : setData
((object)arg1, (object)data)Change the associated data container setJacobian
((object)arg1, (object)J)C++ signature : setMesh
((object)arg1, (object)mesh [, …)Set new mesh to the forward operator, optionally hold region parameter for the new mesh (i.e. setMultiThreadJacobian
((object)arg1, …)Set number of threads used for brute force Jacobian generation. setRegionManager
((object)arg1, (object)reg)C++ signature : setStartModel
((object)arg1, (object)startModel)C++ signature : setThreadCount
((object)arg1, (object)nThreads)Set the maximum number of allowed threads for MT calculation. setVerbose
((object)arg1, (object)verbose)Set verbose state. solution
((object)arg1)C++ signature : startModel
((object)arg1)C++ signature : threadCount
((object)arg1)Return the maximum number of allowed threads for MT calculation verbose
((object)arg1)Get verbose state. createJacobian_mt responses -
((object)arg1, (object)model) → object :[source]¶ - C++ signature :
- void* createJacobian(GIMLI::ModellingBase {lvalue},GIMLI::Vector<double>)
createJacobian( (object)arg1, (object)model) -> object :
- C++ signature :
- void* createJacobian(ModellingBase_wrapper {lvalue},GIMLI::Vector<double>)
createJacobian( (object)arg1, (object)model, (object)resp) -> object :
- C++ signature :
- void* createJacobian(GIMLI::ModellingBase {lvalue},GIMLI::Vector<double>,GIMLI::Vector<double>)
createJacobian( (object)arg1, (object)model, (object)resp) -> object :
- C++ signature :
- void* createJacobian(ModellingBase_wrapper {lvalue},GIMLI::Vector<double>,GIMLI::Vector<double>)
(A, left, right, verbose=False)[source]¶ Bases:
matrix consisting of actual RMatrix and lef-side vector
((object)arg1)C++ signature : clear
((object)arg1)C++ signature : cols
()return number of columns (using underlying matrix) dot
((object)arg1, (object)a)C++ signature : mult
(x)multiplication from right-hand-side (dot product) resize
((object)arg1, (object)rows, (object)cols)C++ signature : rows
()return number of rows (using underlying matrix) rtti
((object)arg1)C++ signature : save
((object)arg1, (object)filename)C++ signature : setVerbose
((object)arg1, (object)verbose)C++ signature : size
((object)arg1)Return number of rows transMult
(x)multiplication from right-hand-side (dot product) verbose
((object)arg1)C++ signature :