pybert.manager package¶
What we have here?
pybert.manager.ertipmanager module¶
pybert.manager.ertmanager module¶
Resistivity manager for administrating ERT data, modelling and inversion
(filename=None, verbose=True, debug=False, **kwargs)[source]¶ Bases:
Class for managing a resistivity inversion.
Takes care of the standard setup logistics.
()Convert data into apparent data. checkData
()Check data validity. coverageDC
()Return coverage vector considering the logarithmic transformation. createArgParser
([dataSuffix])Create argument parser for the manager. createData
(sensors, scheme)Create an empty data set. createFOP
([verbose, sr])Create forward operator working on refined mesh. createFOP_
([verbose])Create forward operator working on refined mesh. createInv
(fop[, verbose, dosave])create inversion instance createInv_
(fop[, verbose, dosave])Create inversion instance, data- and model transformations. createMesh
([depth, quality, maxCellArea, …])create (inversion) WRITEME dataToken
()Token name for the data in a DataContainer. echoStatus
()Echo inversion status as known from pygimli core (invisible). estimateError
(data[, absoluteError, …])Estimate error composed of an absolute and a relative part. getDepth
()get typical investigation depth invert
([data, rhoa, err, mesh])Run the full inversion. loadData
(filename)” load data from file model
()Return resistivity model (for compatibility). run
(**kwargs)Run inversion. saveResult
([folder, size])Saves the results in the specified folder. setData
(data)set data container from outside setDataToken
(token)Set the token name to identity the data in a DataContainer. setMesh
(mesh[, refine, refineP2, omitBackground])-> maybe in base setMeshPot
([mesh, pot])set mesh and potential from outside (mesh/matrix or filename) setPrimPot
(pot)set primary potential (string or matrix) and check size setSingularityRemoval
([sr])Turn on singularity removal (should only be used when initializing). setVerbose
(verbose)Make the class verbose (put output to the console) show
(mesh, model)Show data in form of apparent resistivity. showCoverage
([ax, name])Show resulting resistivity vector. showData
([ax, vals, name])Show data in form of apparent resistivity. showMesh
([all, ax, marker])show mesh in given axes or in a new figure showModel
([ax, vals])Show any vector in new or existing axis. showResult
([ax, name])Show resulting resistivity vector. showResultAndFit
([figsize])Show resstivity distribution with data and forward response. simulate
(mesh, res, scheme[, verbose])Simulate an ERT measurement. standardizedCoverage
([threshhold])Return standardized coverage vector (0|1) using thresholding. createApparentData -
(verbose=False, sr=True)[source]¶ Create forward operator working on refined mesh.
Parameters: - verbose : bool, optional
Turn verbose output on/off. Is propagated to the fop object. Default: False
- sr : bool, optional
Return a forward operator with singularity removal turned on or off. Default: True
Returns: - fop: :bertapi:`Bert::DCSRMultiElectrodeModelling` |
- :bertapi:`Bert::pb.DCMultiElectrodeModelling`
(depth=None, quality=34.3, maxCellArea=0.0, paraDX=0.3, plc=None)[source]¶ create (inversion) WRITEME
(data, absoluteError=0.001, relativeError=0.03, absoluteUError=None, absoluteCurrent=0.1)[source]¶ Estimate error composed of an absolute and a relative part. This is a static method and will not alter any member of the Manager
Parameters: - absoluteError : float [0.001]
Absolute data error in Ohm m. Need ‘rhoa’ values in data.
- relativeError : float [0.03]
relative error level in %/100
- absoluteUError : float [0.001]
Absolute potential error in V. Need ‘u’ values in data. Or calculate them from ‘rhoa’, ‘k’ and absoluteCurrent if no ‘i’ is given
- absoluteCurrent : float [0.1]
Current level in A for reconstruction for absolute potential V
Returns: - error : Array
(data=None, rhoa=None, err=None, mesh=None, **kwargs)[source]¶ Run the full inversion.
The data and error needed to be set before. The meshes will be created if necessary.
Parameters: - data : pg.DataContainerERT
The data scheme with ‘rhoa’ and ‘err’ data array.
- rhoa : iterable
Will overwrite data(‘rhoa’)
- err : iterable
Will overwrite data(‘err’)
- mesh : pg.Mesh
Inversion mesh, needs the usual regions. Only 1 region for Neumann domains(no Boundary). Two region (marker 1 and 2) one for Background Boundary and one for the Inversion domain.
- **kwargs
- lam : float [20]
- regularization parameter
- zWeight : float [0.7]
- relative vertical weight
- maxIter : int [20]
- maximum iteration number
- robustData : bool [False]
- robust data reweighting using an L1 scheme (IRLS reweighting)
- blockyModel : bool [False]
- blocky model constraint using L1 reweighting roughness vector
- startModelIsReference : bool [False]
- startmodel is the reference model for the inversion
forwarded to createMesh
- depth
- quality
- paraDX
- maxCellArea
(folder=None, size=(16, 10), **kwargs)[source]¶ Saves the results in the specified folder.
- Saved items are:
- Inverted profile Resistivity vector Coverage vector Standardized coverage vector Mesh (bms and vtk with results)
(mesh='mesh/', pot=None)[source]¶ set mesh and potential from outside (mesh/matrix or filename)
(sr=True)[source]¶ Turn on singularity removal (should only be used when initializing).
(ax=None, vals=None, name='data', **kwargs)[source]¶ Show data in form of apparent resistivity.
(ax=None, vals=None, **kwargs)[source]¶ Show any vector in new or existing axis.
Parameters: - adjustWorldAxes : bool [True]
Adjust world axes to y-Depth and x (m) if y max <= 0.
(figsize=(10, 15), **kwargs)[source]¶ Show resstivity distribution with data and forward response.
(mesh, res, scheme, verbose=False, **kwargs)[source]¶ Simulate an ERT measurement.
Perform the forward task for a given mesh, a resistivity distribution (per cell) and return data (apparent resistivity) for a measurement scheme.
This is a static method since it does not interfere with the Managers inversion approaches.
This function can also operate on complex resistivity models, thereby computing complex apparent resistivities.
Parameters: - mesh : :gimliapi:`GIMLI::Mesh`
Mesh to calculate for.
- res : array(mesh.cellCount()) | array(N, mesh.cellCount())
- Resistivity distribution for the given mesh cells can be:
- single array of len mesh.cellCount()
- matrix of N resistivity distributions of len mesh.cellCount()
- res map as [[marker0, res0], [marker1, res1], …]
- scheme : :bertapi:`Bert::DataContainerERT`
data measurement scheme
- **kwargs :
- sr : bool [True]
- Calculate with singularity removal. Recommended only for meshes with topography beacause the primary potential must be known.
- calcOnly : bool [False]
- Use fop.calculate instead of fop.response. Usefull if you want to force the caluclation of impedances for homogeneous models. No noise handling. Solution is put in scheme(‘u’) and a dataMap instance will be returned.
- noiseLevel : float[0.0]
- add normal distributed noise based on scheme(‘err’) or on noiseLevel if scheme did not contain ‘err’
- noiseAbs : float[0.0]
- Absolute voltage error in V
- returnArray : bool [False]
- Return array instead of datacontainer
- returnFields : bool [False]
- Return matrix of all potential values per injection electrodes.
Returns: - rhoa : DataContainerERT | array(N, data.size()) | array(N, data.size()),
- array(N, data.size())
Data container with resulting data and errors with noisify = True. Matrix of rhoa values (case of resistivity matrix noisify = False). In case of a complex valued resistivity model, phase values will be returned in the DataContainerERT (see example below), or as an additional returned array.
>>> world = pg.meshtools.createWorld(start=[-20, 0], end=[20, -10], >>> layers=[-1,-3]) >>> mesh = pg.meshtools.createMesh(world, quality=33, area=0.1, >>> smooth=[1,2]) >>> rhoMap = [[1, 1.0], [2, 10.0], [3, 1.0]] >>> ax, _ =, pg.solver.parseArgToArray(rhoMap, >>> mesh.cellCount(), mesh), >>> label='Resistivity ($\Omega$m)') >>>, axes=ax) >>> scheme = pb.createData(np.linspace(0, 10., 11), schemeName='dd') >>> rhoa1 = ERTManager.simulate(mesh, res=rhoMap, scheme=scheme) >>> rhoa2 = ERTManager.simulate(mesh, res=pg.solver.parseArgToArray( >>> rhoMap, mesh.cellCount(), mesh), scheme=scheme) >>> np.testing.assert_array_equal(rhoa1, rhoa2) >>>, vals=rhoa1)
>>> import pybert as pb >>> import pygimli as pg >>> import pygimli.meshtools as mt >>> world = mt.createWorld(start=[-50, 0], end=[50, -50], ... layers=[-1, -5], worldMarker=True) >>> scheme = pb.createData( ... elecs=pg.utils.grange(start=-10, end=10, n=21), schemeName='dd') >>> for pos in scheme.sensorPositions(): ... world.createNode(pos) ... world.createNode(pos + pg.RVector3(0, -0.1)) >>> mesh = mt.createMesh(world, quality=34) >>> rhomap = [ ... [1, 100. + 0j], ... [2, 50. + 0j], ... [3, 10.+ 0j], ... ] >>> ert = pb.ERTManager() >>> data = ert.simulate(mesh, res=rhomap, scheme=scheme, verbose=True) >>> rhoa = data.get('rhoa').array() >>> phia = data.get('phia').array()
(argv)[source]¶ Main function for direct calling with data file (and options).