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DC3DInvRes - Display menu


The model display shows the resistivity of the model section. There are a lot of options for that descibed in the options menue. By clicking on model cells the cell boundaries and the resistivities are displayed. This mode can also be used for interactive modelling by typing a resistivity value into the edit window and clicking on model cells.

Hotkey for Model Display: Shift + M

3D Model Visualization

With this GUI the Model can be visualized three-dimensionally.


Isovalue: One ore more resistivity values can be used to draw iso-bodies of constant resistivity.
Smooth: The smooth option can be used if small-spaced oscillations are to be hidden.
x/y/z-Slices: An arbitrary number of values for x,y and z can be used to define the slices in the individual directions.
Azimuth/Elevation: define the direction of the users view point.
Get: Azimuth and Elevation can be changed in the figure window. Get reads the values into the GUI.
Aspect Ratio: The Aspect ratio can be used to increase the scale for the z-direction.

Hotkey for 3D Model visualization: 3


The Coverage is defined by the sum of the (absolute values of) sensitivities over all measurements and can be displayed like a model section.In analogy to ray path tomography it's something like total raypath and gives information on how well the model cells are "covered" by the data set. It is used for alpha mapping the model section to avoid over-interpretation of anomalies in bad covered regions such as near the model boundaries.


Furthermore, it is possible to display the sensitivity for every single datum point. A positive sensitivity(red) leads to an increased apparent resistivity when the cell resistivity is rised, negative sensitivity(blue) lower the apparent resistivity. The measurement is insensible to regions of zero sensitivity(white).
Regarding this we have a first concept of detectability and resolveability of underground structures.
By moving the slider (or typing datum number) we can switching to all data points.


The measured data are plotted in form of pseudo-sections using an identical colorscale. Note, that the data figure can be exported to png or eps format using the Export Figure command.

Hotkey for data display: Shift + D

Model Response

The forward response of the current model ist diplayed in the same way like the data.

Hotkey for data display: Shift + R

Data Misfit

Watching the data misfit (difference between datum point and forward response in percent) it is possible to see how the data are fitted by the model. Ideally, the data are fitted giving a misfit of gaussian errors showing no significant function of space.


Data Errors

In the same manner as for plotting the data one can display the (measured or estimated) standard deviations of each datum point.

IP Data

If present, the measured induced polarization data are displayed.


The program is able to apply a single-step IP inversion as pointed out in (Beard, Hohmann & Tripp, 1996). The calculated chargeabilities are shown.