DC2DInvRes - File Menu

Open data file

Several data formats of data are possible (and detected automatically):

  1. Our unified data format with very flexible and logical way of describing data.
  2. the format of res2dinv can be read in
  3. A column-based format with positions for a, b, m, n and apparent resistivity, the user will be asked for column numbers
  4. vertical soundings on a line can be easily read in by means of a so-called s2d-file:
    file1.ves x-position flag
    file2.ves ...
    where flag is 0 for Schlumberger, 1 for half-Schlumberger right and 2 left.
    The ves-files contain three columns with AB/2 MN/2 and apparent resistivy.
    Alternatively, the first column can describe the meaning of the columns by tokens AB*, MN*, rhoa* or App* for app. res. or rho* for resistance
  5. There are some multi-electrode device files that can directly be read: ABEM multi-purpose file (*.amp), RESECS text export (*.txt) and GEOTOM files (*.res)

Hotkey: Shift+O

Add Data

The data read from the file are added to the existing data. So it is easy to combine different configurations on the same profile to get better results.

Hotkey: Shift+A

Save Workspace

The complete workspace (e.g. data, model and sensitivities) are saved to a *.mat file, defaulting the same root like the data file with extension MAT. Recommended for inversion results.

Hotkey: Shift+S

Load Workspace

A former saved mat-file can be loaded to work on with the model.
Attention: files named *-sens.mat are saved sensitivities and contain no model!

Hotkey: Shift+L

Export Figure

The displayed figure is exported into a *.png file (e.g. to work with other programs). The name is normally the same root like the data set, followed by some self-explaining addition and the extension png.

Hotkey: Shift+E


Termination of program.

Hotkey: Shift+X